The delegates of the thirteenth General Chapter who met at Bethany Convent, Mangalore in 1998 deliberated to request the Bishop of the Diocese of Mangalore to initiate the Cause of Beatification of the Founder, Mgr Raymond FC Mascarenhas. Communicating the desire of the delegates of the Chapter to the Bishop, Sr Jyoti, BS, the Superior General set up a preparatory committee in 2001 under the leadership of Sr Lillis, BS and Sr Benedict BS to reset the documents in the archives of Bethany Generalate and to set up a spiritual and cultural centre. Subsequently with the approval of the Bishop, Sr Jyoti appointed Sr Lillis as the postulator for the Cause of the Beatification and Canonization of Mgr Raymond FC Mascarenhas. Sr Miriam B.S. was appointed as the Vice Postulator.
Sr M. Lillis B.S. Postulator |
Sr MiriamB.S. Vice Postulator |
Having followed the norms laid down by the Church for the Cause, the Bishop of Mangalore Most Rev Aloysius Paul D’Souza, announced through a pastoral letter to the clergy and the faithful of the Diocese of Mangalore on 3 June 2008 that Mgr Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas as the Servant of God. The same was proclaimed during the Eucharistic celebration on 16 June, 2008.
At the outset, the Bishop of Mangalore, Most Rev Aloysius Paul D’Souza set up a Theological Commission. Thereafter on 17 August 2008, he opened the Diocesan Board of Inquiry for the Cause of the Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God. Rev Fr Henry Sequeira was appointed the Episcopal Delegate, Fr John Mendonca, the Promotor of Justice and Fr Maxim Rosario, the Notary. Fr John Baptist Saldanha, Fr Vincent Pinto, SJ and Sr Mariette, BS were appointed the members of the Historical Commission. In 2010 Fr Peter Mascarenhas was appointed a member of this commission.
Sr Rose Celine, the newly elected Superior General of the Congregation in February 2016, pursues the Cause zealously for the glory of God and the good of the Church.
May the Lord grant to His servant, the honours of the altar for the greater glory of God and for the spread of His Kingdom.