Pope Francis in Rejoice says ‘look deep in your heart, look into your own depths and ask yourself – Am I restless for God, to announce Him, to make Him known and be compelled to “go out" to others’? For the Bethany sisters- Pastoral ministry is to be the Partners in the mission of Jesus. The mission of preaching the Gospel to all creation, entrusted directly by the Lord to his disciples, has continued in the Church throughout history.
The Servant of God R F C Mascarenhas, the Founder of Bethany, being a zealous and compassionate pastor had a foresight of the Synodal Church in his time and was obsessed with the desire of preaching the good news including everyone, excluding none. Bethany Sisters gripped by his passion for strengthening the faith of the people are deeply committed. Today every effort is made to recapture the pastoral vision and rekindle the pastoral zeal of the Founder. Bethany is commissioned to listen, journey and reflect together with the people of God.
The outbreak of Covid pandemic has created new opportunities and posed new challenges for works of evangelization. It urges Bethany to go as ‘Good Samaritans’ ( cf Fratelli Tutti) to our neighbours crossing all boundaries embracing everyone as my brother and sister.
Bethany Lay Association
In furtherance of the Charism of the Servant of God RFC Mascarenhas and to empower the laity in the mission, the XIV General Chapter of the Congregation in 2004, decided to start Bethany Lay Association to collaborate in the ministry of preaching the 'good news'. Vatican II document of the Church, 'The light of the Nations' (Lumen Gentium) invites the laity to be the leaven in the world through the fulfillment of their own duties, and the witness of life and by their manifestation of Christ to others through faith hope and charity. The Decree of Vatican II on the apostolate of the Lay people (Apostolicam Actuositatem) speaks of lay collaboration and pastoral ministry as complementary to each other (AA6).
In the spirit of the teachings of Vatican II and the thrust of the subsequent General Chapters, the Bethany Lay Association was launched on 16.07.2007. It further gained momentum and branched out within and outside the country. Today there are 101 units of BLA with 1604 members (as on September 2021).
Vision: To promote the glory of God by the holiness of the members through prayer and service.
Goal: To build vibrant and faith-filled catholic and humane communities after the example of Jesus
Mission: As handmaids of the Lord strive towards fullness of life through the compassionate love of Jesus to all especially to the poor and the marginalized through catechesis, proclamation of the Word, family apostolate, youth, media, prison ministry, care of the catholic migrant youth and according to the signs of the time.
1. To grow in Trinitarian life by sharing the Charism and Spirituality of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany through prayer and service
2. To promote the values of Christ in one’s own personal life, in the family and in the society.
3. To bring the compassionate love of Jesus to all especially the poor and the needy by supporting and participating in the mission of the Congregation.

Sr Shanthi Priya BS
General Coordinator, Pastoral Apostolate
Bethany Generalate
Lower Bendur, P.B.No.593
Mangalore 575002, D.K. India
Contact No – 0824/2218923
Email Id – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

BLA Convention
BLA get together- Province level,MP
BLA unit- Mary Queen Convent, Karkal