“He sent me to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to the captives and to declare the year of God’s favour…” (Lk 4:16ff)
This prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled in Jesus, and it beckons us to embrace our mission mandate to continue His mission on earth. The Servant of God, Mgr RFC Mascarenhas the Founder, was inspired by this mission mandate of Jesus and the birth of Bethany is an eloquent testimony of his response to this divine call. Founder’s passion for mission and compassion for the people transformed many a lives. He brought the Good News to the poor, through his missionary activities and set an example for us the Bethany Sisters, to champion the cause of those on the fringes of the society, very specially the girl children and women. He gave us an impetus to search for the faceless, voiceless and powerless.
The mission of social liberation has been the prime concern of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany since its inception. Social Apostolate has received greater priority and many sisters are well trained and empowered to take up initiatives in the social arena fearlessly. Inspired by the spirit of the Founder, Bethany re-commits to bring the Good News of liberation to all even beyond the centenary.
The subsequent general chapters of the congregation gave a thrust according to the signs of the times, changing trends and approaches in social work. The general coordinators of the past and present spear headed this ministry through congregational conventions, seminars and workshops to up-skill the sisters, lay animators and collaborators in various parts of the country, in Asian, Europe, and African continents. The vision, mission and goal gives a clear direction to this ministry.
Vision: A just and humane society where the compassionate love of God is manifested especially to the poor and the marginalized.
Mission: Restoration of human dignity through a process of empowerment of the poor and the marginalized.
Goal: Fullness of life for all especially the poor, the marginalized and the socially backward sections of the society with the primary focus on women and children.

Sr Shanthi Priya BS
General Coordinator, Social Apostolate
Bethany Generalate
Lower Bendur, P.B.No.593
Mangalore 575002, D.K. India
Contact No – 0824/2218923
Email Id – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bethany's Network with Amrat- Talitha Kum India
Conference to the Migrants on Human Rights, Mauritania, Africa
Empowering Session for SHG Women, North Karnataka
Food kit distribution at Madanbhavi, Belgaum
Food Kits distributed at Permannur
Food Kits to the sex workers, By Sahodaya, Manglore 29.06.2020
Food Supplements to Children, Belgaum
Rally on anti human trafficking, Odisha
Women's Day Celebration, Sahodaya