In the Gospel of Mark 3: 13- we read: Jesus went up the mountain and called to him those whom he wanted and they came to him.
Vocations are born in prayer and prayer and only in prayer can they persevere and bear fruit: Pope Francis. It is quoted as inspiration for vocation animation in our XVI General Chapter decree. Vocation animation is the goal and summit of all other apostolates. So like the small finger which is closer to God while in prayer, Vocation animation stands out first in all our ministries.
The master plan of vocational promotion to consecrated life is that which the Lord himself began when he said to the apostles John and Andrew, “Come and see” (Jn1:39). This encounter accompanied by the sharing of life requires that consecrated persons deeply live their consecration in order to become a visible sign of the joy which God gives to those who listen to his call. For this reason, there is a need for communities which are welcoming and able to share the ideal of their life with young people, allowing themselves to be challenged by the demands of authenticity, and willing to accept them. This is what each one of us is called to do.
I would like to bring to your mind about the first vocations to Bethany. In 1921 Bethany received its first four and just after a year on 16 July 1922, the fifth vocation Sr Margaret arrived. In 1923- Bethany received no vocation. In 1924 Sr Magdeline joined as the sixth member of the Congregation. In 1925, Bethany had three vocations in the person of Sr Catherine, Sr Louise and Sr Beninga. Again in the year 1926 none joined. The membership now reached 9.
Here is the brief summary of the vocation story of Mother Francis who joined Bethany as the 10th member of the Congregation. She wanted to join the convent but not in Apostolic Carmel where she had many relatives and friends. She was looking for a convent where she could love Jesus much. She joined the Novena prayers in honour of St Therese of child Jesus to discern her vocation, at Cloistered Carmel, Kankanady in September 1925. She was resolutely drawn to join Bethany on 30th September the death anniversary of St Therese and the last day of her novena. She disclosed her desire to Rev Fr RFC Mascarenhas, the Founder who told her the same evening, that he too was making a novena to the Little Flower to send him a rose on that day as a sign of confirming his work of founding the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany. Rose was Mother Francis’ baptismal name. The Rose founder prayed for was planted in Bethany on 01. 03.1927.
This is how the vocation story of Bethany unfolds. Now Bethany has grown over a thousand as we cross the Centenary. Yes indeed we have a great vocation story and ours is a great Congregation growing still with more than 400 formees in different stages of formation. Nearly 100 vocations came to Bethany during this year. Yes we can acclaim with psalmist ‘great indeed are your works O Lord!’
Bethany is like a tree planted by the running waters, ever fresh, green and fruit bearing. Is 52:7- How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”Every religious is a vocation Promoter!

Sr Santhosh Maria BS
General Coordinator for Vocation animation.
“Vocations are born in prayer and only prayer can sustain it” – Pope Francis
September 28, 2022 is a day exclusively set apart to think together the ways and means to raise vocations to Bethany. “Jesus use me, O Lord don’t refuse me, surely there is a work I can do….” These lines of the opening prayer tell each member of the congregation that each of us has works to do in the vineyard of the Lord.
64 sisters from all the provinces and Delegation along with Rev Sr Rose Celine BS, the Superior General and her team attended the session. Sr. Santhosh Maria, the General Coordinator of vocation animation accorded a warm and cheerful welcome to the gathering.
“No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me, draws him” ( Jn: 6-44). Yes, vocation is a call of God , we are the instruments in His hands to continue the work of the Lord. “ Jesus went up to the mountain and called to Him those whom He wanted and they came to him”( Mk:3:13). Enumerating from this word of God Rev. Fr. Rudolph Pinto OCD , began the session, placing before the participants the challenges we face today in vocation animation as well as the strategies to be followed in this modern era.
The pastoral plan of vocation animation for the coming 6 years, of all the provinces and the delegations, were presented by the respective coordinators for vocation promotion. SrSanthosh Maria BS, the General coordinator for vocation Promotion was a boost to the participants and organized the day’s program well. It was a day wherein we were not only enthused to promote vocation for the Congregation but also examined our personal commitment to the person of Jesus.
Each of us was motivated and reminded of our individual responsibility of promoting vocations so as to build the kingdom of God. Rev. Sr. Rose Celine BS our Superior General called upon each bethanites to be joyful religious living a witnessing and holy life attracting many young people to Bethany in the coming Days.
Written by Sr Shobha Joseph and Sr Anju Mathew
Vocation animation at Tanzania – Probable candidates
Vocation Camp

Bangalore Province
Eastern Province
Eastern Province
Eastern Province