Jesus calls us by name

Grateful attitude in living the Vocation is a Gift

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Go, make disciples of all nations Mt 28:19 is the mandate given by our Lord Himself to His disciples and to each one of us..
Vocation is entering into a loving relationship with the Lord and consequently with each other. Fr Joe Mannath in his book ‘Happiness Right Now’ said: “We have experienced this love of God and love of one another over the years, now it is our turn to pass the love on”. Loved by God, we make others feel loved! Called by God we become ‘callers’. We have made a choice and now we have a responsibility to help others make a choice!
As per our XVI Gen Ch Decree 8.1 - Vocation Animation is the significant mission of the Church and every baptized Christian is called to share in this mission of awakening in human hearts a quest for God and sharing His compassionate love
We are responsible for the survival of our Congregation. New members are to come in. But from where? Unless we promote vocations? Pope Francis in ‘Amoris Laetitie’ clearly indicates that vocations are to come from families. By our life and frequent visits to the families, we should inspire the young members in the families and bring others to Christ. Pope Francis further makes us understand that vocations are born of prayer and in prayer they are preserved and bear fruit. Vocations are fostered through our life’s example. Hence it is very clear that we must pray for vocations and that we must build our own families and the families of our parish, families of our students, staff, families of our hostellers. Our Founder looked up to our hostels, as the seed beds of vocations for priestly and religious life. Our schools are really the grain fields of vocations which like Ruth in the OT we should learn to pick up not the left overs but the best ones.
What is vocation promotion? Helping the young to reflect on their future and make choices in line with God’s will which will bring true happiness in their heart. It is helping the young people to see life as God’s gift which they should use according to God’s plans.
If we begin appreciating our own vocation we will not let it go. We will hold on to it come what may, through thick or thin, thro shine or rain. So those who love Jesus and want to make Him loved, those who have a desire to follow Jesus you may write to:

Sr Lilitta Bs
General Cordinator for Vocation Animation
Bethany Generalate
PB No. 593
Lower Bendur
Mangalore 575002
Contact No – 0824 - 2218923
Email Id – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.