Sr M Isabella BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Youth Ministry
Acquaviva Picena is in the diocese of San Benedetto del Tronto, which is situated in the region of Marche, facing the Adriatic Sea, east of Italy- around 300 KM away from Rome. The very meaning of Acquaviva is ‘living water’. It is indeed a splendid panorama, surrounded by many hill-top towns with its fortress. Being in the proximity of the artistic towns, surrounded by the sea and the mountains, it attracts cultural visits and excursions among green woods, and in summer, entry on the top beach of SBT.
The loving call of God to the “living water” came to Bethany in a unique way, through a devout catholic man called Mr Pio Gaetani, whose profound spirituality was centred on the Eucharistic Lord and the Crucified Saviour. He was privileged to have a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament in his house; but as he was advancing in age and the only living member of his family, he wished to fulfil the desire of his’ late mother, ‘to donate that house for some good purpose’. So, as Moses heard the voice of God in the burning bush, Mr Pio Gaetani was inspired by the Spirit of God to respond to his inner voice, to offer his house to a religious congregation.
Since he was a great friend of Dr Giuseppe Filippini, the late president of the home for the aged at Brescia, Nuvolera, and had heard about the sisters in his home for the aged, he approached Mrs Angiolina Ghidinelli, the president of the same home for the aged where Bethany Sisters render their service. And it is through Mrs Angiolina Ghidinelli that Mr Pio Gaetani came to know the Bethany Sisters at Nuvolera and Casa Domitilla Rome. He shared with Angiolina his plan of inviting the sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany to his house.
In keeping with the spirit of the XIV General Chapter, our higher superiors decided to begin a community at Acquaviva Picena. Thus Sr Blecilla, the then delegation superior, made necessary arrangements to venture into this mission.
16th July 2005 was a special day of rejoicing to our congregation, when a new community was added to Bethany on its 85th birthday, a day dedicated to our Lady of Mount Carmel. Sisters Jolinta, Alphonsine and Jossy Maria were the pioneers. On this day, during a solemn Mass, presided over by Don Angelo, the then parish priest, and concelebrated by 3 Augustinian priests, and participated by Sisters Blecilla, our delegation superior, and her councillors, Sisters Irene and Prasad and many of the parishioners, the community was canonically erected
The main apostolate of the sisters is pastoral, medical and social care. Trusting in the powerful intercession of our Blessed Mother and our beloved Father Founder we hope to continue in this mission of witnessing God’s compassionate and comforting love to these people.
Year of establishment : 16.07.2005