
Sr M Daisy Maria B S

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From the time Fr Thierry Butor, the parish priest of Sarcelles left for Cormeilles-en-Parisis as a parish priest there he dreamed of having a religious community in his vast area of mission to meet the pastoral needs of that locality. As he had known the missionary zeal of Bethany sisters in Sarcelles, he wished ardently that a community of Bethany sisters be brought in his vast parish. The newly built apartment which he occupied for a year was already ready to welcome the sisters. He had put forward this desire to the former Bishop Mgr Jean-Yves RIOCREUX on different occasions. But as a transition was awaited concerning this Bishop the decision was left to his successor. It was in March 2013, when Sr Rose Celine and SrAssumpta, the then General Councillors came for canonical visitation of Bethany Convent, Sarcelles that the newly appointed Bishop MsgrStanislasLalanne put forward the long standing desire of the former parish priest of Sarcelles Fr. Thierry BUTOR, now parish priest in Cormeille-en-Parisis for a second community of Bethany sisters. The Bishop said « it is not normal that in Germany you have 5 communities and in my diocese only one ». When Sr. Ignatia left Paris to India in September2013 again he requested her to speak personally to the then Superior General SrWilberta.

Then, in the year 2015, during the canonical visitation of Bethany Convent, Sarcelles by Sr Lillis, the Assistsent Superior General and  Sr Christine , the Procurator General they paid an official visit to the Bishop of the diocese ofPontoise, MgrStanislas LALANE . The Vicar General, Fr Daniel DUCASSE too was present for the meeting. During the course of meeting the Bishop again put forward his request to open another community in his diocese. The proposition was forwarded to the Superior General,SrWilberta and in her council the matter was discussed and a positive answer was sent to the Bishop. As a follow up, the Vicar General was sent to the already existing community at Sarcelles to discuss about our expections for the new community.

Later, in March 2016, Sr Carmella, the Delegation Superior along with her Assistant, SrBlecilla came to discover the future residence of sisters, the parish and the mission. The Parish Priest, Fr Thierry BUTOR, played an important role in explaining to them the realities of the place, history and the existing population at Cormeilles-en-Parisis and it's surroundings. On the same day, a meeting was held with Bishop, the Vicar General, the parish priest, the Delegate to the Diocese for the Consecreted Life Fr Guillaume VILLATE, our visiting sisters and the superior of Sarcelles community Sr DaisyMaria All the official matters were discussed. Later, on 9th June 2016 the agreement was signed  by our newly elected Superior General, Sr Rose Celine. Three sisters were prepared for this mission. On an auspicious moment of Eucharistic celebration, on 17 ofSeptember 2016 Bethany entered in to the portals of Cormeilles-en-Parisis. Erection and the blessing of the new convent was officiated by the Bishop of the diocese along with few priests of the Ward, who were present for the closing  of the Dioesain Golden Jubile year at zonal level.  At the outset of the Eucharistic celebration, the Bishop expressed his joy of having a second Bethany community in his diocesse and thanked the superiors for  accepting his invitation.

At the dawn of 18thSeptember, six sistersnamely sisters Daisy Maria, Ashrita, Lucy Maria, Felicita, Vijaya and Celine D Souza gathered for an hour of prayer along with Sr Carmella the Delegation Superior and Sr Ilene, the Procurator for Delegation Abroad and installed Sr Daisy Maria as the superior of the new convent and sisters Celine D’Souza and Vijaya as members. Thus a new Bethany venture began in Pontoise.

Year of establishment: 17.09.2016


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