

Sr Lilly Pereira BS


Mangaluru, Oct 13, 2016: Sr Lilly Pereira of the congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany in city, a student of doctorate in philosophy, in the University of Innsbruck, Austria defended her thesis successfully on October 11.

Sr Lilly is known to be the first Indian nun to complete her doctorate in philosophy from this University.

Her dissertation was on the topic: Distributive justice through creating capabilities and the subtitle: A critical appraisal of Martha C. Nussbaum’s capabilities approach and its applicability to the Madiga scheduled caste women, Bidar, India.

Sr Lilly Pereira did her B.Th from St Joseph’s Inter Diocesan Seminary, Jeppu in city and M.Th from Jnana Deepa Vidyapeeth, Pune and MA from the university of Pune.



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