

Bethany Mangalore 13 March 2019:Bethany SahodayaSeva Kendra, Bendur and Bethany Sahodaya Federation celebrated the International Women’s day on 13th of March 2019. It was a day of joy for 40 Self Help Group members. Women adorned with festive attire,were in a celebrative mood. The function commenced with a prayer led by Cinchona group members.The guests were  welcomed witha dance staged by Adharshini  SHG members. Sr Leena D’Costa, the Coordinator welcomed them with words and a sapling.

The day’s programmes was presided over  by Dr Sr Lilitta, the General Councillor. In her presidential speech she gave an apt message to the women on creating gender-balanced society and spoke on the  worth of a woman who spends her life for the family with love that cannot  be priced. We need to recognize the amount of energy she puts in with love.  She encouragedand appreciated them for their achievements.  Sr Leena D’Costa presenteda brief report of the Sahodaya activities of 2018-19.

Mrs Jayashree Power, the Supervisor from Women and Child Development Department, highlighted various schemes and facilities that are available  in the Department  for the welfare of women; she enthused the women to avail  these.  

On this great occasion Bethany Social Service Trust and its wing Bethany Sahodaya Seva Kendra, acknowledged the valuable services of BM Rohini,the Senior Editor ofSahodaya Bulletin as its editorand was honoured; she was congratulated on receiving the prestigious Sandesha Award  2019 recently.In her speech,  she gave a clarion call to women with the words:“Let's build a gender-balanced world,”  highlighting the various aspects on the gender discriminations that are still exiting in the society.

She called on the women to come forward to create a gender balanced world specially intheir homes,and love the girl children as well as boy children equally. Sr Cleopha, the Administrator of Bethany Mother House,appreciated women for sacrificing life for the welfare of their family. She congratulated them for the their courageous step to come out and become entrepreneurs to build a better society.
Sr Leena Pereira, the Superior of the Mother House, in her speech spoke onthe achievements of women  as well as the problems faced by modern women.
The women of various groups presented a short cultural programme. Bethany Junior Sisters enacted a skit that contained a message to build a gender-balanced society and save girl child as well. The women who  won in the games and competition were awarded with attractive prizes. On this occasion the school children who secured highest marks in the Sahodaya competitive Exams were honoured.

Mrs Sandya proposed the vote of  thanks to all the guests. The programme was anchored by Mrs NImishaand  Mrs Sunitha

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