
October 4, 2017: 52 Bethany Sisters of Bangalore Province from 19 communities of the Province came together for their spiritual exercises of eight days based on Bethany Charism and Spirituality from 23rd September to October 1st 2017, under the guidance of Sr Roshel BS, Asst Provincial Superior of Mangalore Province. Sisters spent eight full days in the presence of the Lord re-living the God experience of our Founder and the founding members; a God of compassionate love. Contemplating on the spirituality of handmaid in the mystery of annunciation, imbibing the qualities of contemplation and action from the inmates of Bethany, and the childlike confidence and missionary zeal of St Therese of Lisieux enabled us to grow stronger in our vocation as Bethany Sisters. It was a unique experience which has made a lasting impact on our lives. We became increasingly aware of the rich treasure we have with us and within us and experienced the urge to allow our lives to be shaped by the example of our models to live a life of contemplation, communion and compassion.

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