
5th July 2022 was a memorable day in the annals of Bethany Pre- Novitiate Bogadi, Mysore. The 27 candidates belonging to 4 Provinces;Eastern Province (11), Northern Province (9), Mangalore Province (6), and Southern Province (1) were initiated to the Pre- Novitiate. Sr. Sahana the Provincial Superior of Bangalore Province, Sr. Judy Varghese the Provincial Superior of Southern Province, Sr Cynthia and Sr Priya Rose the Provincial Councilors, Sr Sonia the directress, Sr. Jyothi Dooru and Sr. Anna Tigga, the assistant directresses and Sr Agnes Rita the member of the community were present on the occasion. The day began with the Eucharistic celebration officiated by Fr Vincent D’Souza OFM, invoking blessings on the affiliates to be initiated for a fruitful journey ahead.

The initiation ceremony began at 10:30 am with a prayer led by Sr Anna Tigga. The candidates entered the chapel with lighted lamps in their hands singing the Bethany Anthem. They were initiated to the Pre-Novitiate by Sr Sahana the Provincial Superior of Bangalore Province. ‘Abide in My Love’ were the words echoing throughout the initiation ceremony. In her message Sr Sahana asked the Pre- Novices to become selfless and committed in answering their call to follow Jesus.
This was followed by a short felicitation programme. The Pre- Novices were greeted with flowers and songs.Sr Judy Varghese in her felicitation message invited the Pre- Novices to move beyond the attractions of this world to find the precious pearl, Jesus. The Pre-novices then introduced themselves and expressed their sentiments of gratitude. The entire programme was compered by Sr Jyothi Dooru.

News By: Sr Jyothi Dooru BS, Assistant Pre-Novice Directress, Bethany Pre-Novitiate, Bogadi

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