
March 4th 2021 will do down in the annals of Tanzania Delegation as an auspicious and memorable day, the erection of the 189th community of the Congregation. Triple celebrations marked the day, the 121st priestly ordination of our revered Founder Servant of God Raymond Francis Camillus Mascarenhas, erection of a new community in the Archdiocese of Arusha, Ngurdoto and the installation of the new Superior Sr Leera Maria BS, by Sr Antonette Coutinho BS, the Delegation Superior.

The Eucharistic celebration commenced at 6.00 am presided over by Most Rev Issac Imani, the Arch Bishop of the Archdiocese of Arusha concelebrated by the Parish priest, Fr Robert MSFS. The celebrants along with the sisters of the new community and the community of Mwanga went inprocession to the altar to offer the Holy sacrifice of the Mass, I nvoking God’s blessings on the new mission. During the Eucharistic celebration, Sr Antonette Coutinho BS, the Delegation superior read the Decree of Canonical erection forwarded by the Superior General and installed Sr Leera Maria BS as the Superior of the newly erected community. She then presented Sr Leera Maria BS with the Bible, Book of Constitutions and the keys of the Tabernacle as a sign of assuming the responsibility of the Superior. Archbishop Isaac Imami in his homily called upon the sisters to imitate the fiat of our Blessed Mother who responded to God in faith and encouraged the Sisters to build a community of love.




After the Mass, Sr Antonette Coutinho BS felicitated Sr Leera Maria, the newly appointed Superior and the community members, Sr Ranjitha BS, Sr Juliet N Ngaihi BS and Sr Clara Mariamu BS (the newly professed) with flowers. After the felicitation, sumptuous delicacy of Tanzania was served to enhance the joy of everyone. A deep sense of faith, love, joy, and trust filled the air.

Sentiments of gratitude were expressed to Sr Rose Celine, the Superior General for the trust bestowed on the sisters to continue the mission of God in the Archdiocese of Arusha. Sr Antonette Coutinho BS was appreciated for her encouragement and constant support to the sisters in their new mission. The presence of the sisters from the nearby community of Mwanga added solemnity to the occasion.

News by: Sr Leera Maria BS, Superior, Bethany Convent, Ngurdoto,Arusha

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