
8th January 2022 was an auspicious day in the history of Bethany Congregation as well as of Tanzania Delegation. The four novices Eva Richard Tesha, Waltruda Efrem Temba, Sabina Amani Vicent and Tarsila Stephan Tesha made their first profession at Divine Mercy Church, Mwanga, Tanzania. The Thanksgiving Eucharist celebration was officiated by Rev, Rogath Kimariyo, the Bishop of Same diocese along with other 8 priests.

During the homily the Bishop commented that the thorny land with deep water passages is turned into a beautiful garden by the presence of Bethany Sisters where hundreds of girls receive quality education. He appreciated the faith vision of the Sisters that has resulted in having eight professed sisters from Tanzania for Bethany. He Congratulated the newly professed sisters for their wholehearted "Yes" to the Lord.

Sr Lillis, the Asst Superior General deputed by Sr Rose Celine accepted the vows in the name of the Church. In her message she said that Mwanga was a place of faith experience where she met God face to face and the Lord has worked wonders. She appreciated the hard work of Sisters

The entire assembly of the faithful danced to the rhythm of Bethany anthem during the entrance procession. Sr Christine, former procurator General, members of three communities, local religious sisters, parents and relatives of the professed sisters participated in the solemn celebration.

A short felicitation programme was organized after the Mass. Sr Clara Mamue compered the felciation programme.

News by : Sr Julet Lopis BS, Mwanga, Tanzania


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