
On Friday, February 11, 2022, the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Sr Rose Celine BS was re-elected by the XVII General Chapter of ‘The Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany’ (Bethany Sisters) at Bethany Mother House, Bendur, Mangalore. She will continue to head the Congregation for another term of six years. She hails from St Antony’s Parish, Fermai, Mangalore Diocese.

Elected as the General Councillors are Sr Shanthi Priya BS (Assistant Superior General), Sr Mariette BS, Sr Santhosh Maria BS and Sr Sandhya BS to assist the Superior General.

The Mangalore-based indigenous Congregation founded in 1921 at St Sebastian Parish, Bendur by the Servant of God Raymond F C Mascarenhas with four Sisters namely Mother Martha, Sr Clare, Sr Lourdes and Sr Gertrude, the Institute has a membership of 1371 with 192 communities spreadover in 9 countries of 3 continents - Asia, Europe and Africa. The Sisters serve in 56 rural development centres and 185 educational institutions mostly in villages. It also has a significant presence in the field of medical and geriatric care services.1600 Lay Associates in 100 units spread all over the country collaborate in the mission of the Institute.

News By :Bethany Generalate, Mangalore

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