
Tanzania Delegation, a unit of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany- Mangalore, marked a historical event on 15th July 2023.On this auspicious occasion, we were privileged to have Rev. Sr. Shanthi Priya BS, Assistant Superior General who ceremoniously inaugurated Bethany Formation House at Ngurdoto, in the presence of Rev. Sr. Mariette BS - General Councilor and Coordinator for Formation. Most Rev. Isaac Amani Archbishop of Arusha Archdiocese graciously blessed the Formation House and solemnized the Holy Eucharist along with Rev. Fr. Williams Sebastian - Assistant Parish priest of Ngurdoto and Rev. Fr. Gaston John the liturgist of the Archdiocese.


Rev Sr Antonette Coutinho BS the Delegation Superior conceived the idea of having a formation house for initial formation in Tanzania Delegation.Sr. Anitha Menezes BS and Rev Sr Vandana Pereira BS the councillors and Rev  Sr Shanthini BS Delegation Procurator extended their wholehearted collaboration to her in this new venture for the growth of the Delegation.We appreciate their tireless efforts to make this dream a reality. May God bless them.

The parish choir with their melodious singing made the liturgy meaningful and vibrant.Truly Lord takes delight in His people and He is ever faithful to His covenant.We are indebted to God formaking it possible for us to have this house for the extension His kingdom. The Kipapa i.e the Holy Innocents and youth of our parish added grandeur to the celebration with their dance and songs. Sisters from other congregations, members of Bethany Lay Association, faithful from the parish, children and neighbors enhanced the joy of the occasion.

We are grateful to our Superior General Rev Sr  Rose Celine BS and her councillors and Rev Sr Violette D'Souza BS General Procurator for their constant guidance and support for the fulfillment of this plan.

May God bless us with many more vocations to spread His love and compassion to serve many more people in the mission land.

News by Sr. Reshma BS. Bethany Convent Ngurdoto, Arusha- Tanzania.

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