
13th June 2020
Installation of Sr Jhansi as the Superior and Novice Directress of Bethany Novitiate, Barasat, Kolkota took place on 12 June 2022. Sr Benedicta Aranha, the Provincial Superior of Guwahati Province installed her in the presence of Sr Erasma, Sr Lucious and Sr Jessy Maria the Provincial Superiors of Northern, Silchar and Eastern Provinces along with Sr Shwetha and Sr Violet Pinto the Provincial councillors and Sr Joy, the former Provincial Superior. Sr Jhansi was reminded of her mission to animate the community after the example of our revered Founder empowering and accompanying those entrusted to her care. Sr Renita, Sr Jean Marie and 24 second year Novices graced this occasion.

Sr Benedicta thanked Sr Clara Toppo for her dedicated and selfless services as the Superior and the Novice Directress for the past 4 years. Prayers were offered for Sr Jhansi by all the sisters wishing her the fullness of the Spirit. After the installation ceremony there was felicitation programme.

Another milestone was initiation of 16 Pre-Novices belonging to Guwahati, Silchar, North and Eastern Provinces into the Novitiate. They were well prepared through a retreat of 8 days guided by Sr Joy. Sr Benedicta Aranha the Provincial Superior called on them to follow the Lord ardently by developing a close relationship,trusting in the Word of God, drawing lessons from the saints’ life and being docile to the process of formation.
The Second year Novices enacted their novitiate experience through a short play setting a right tone for the beginning of their Spiritual journey by the junior novices. The Novices expressed their deep gratitude to Sr Rose Celine the Superior General and her team, Provincials and their teams and for their past and present formators. Joy and excitement marked the new beginnings.

 New by: Sr Renita Pinto BS,Assistant Novice Directress, Barasat, Kolkotta


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