Sr M Savitha BS

Sr M Lorna BS

Convent building

Pilgrimage Center - Dornhalli

Praying Ministry - Dornhalli
Dornahalli Parish is locally known as Christian Koppalu. Rev Fr R. F C Mascarenhas, the Founder of the Congregation, was in touch with the compassionate Pastor Rev. Fr I. H. Lobo, the Parish Priest of Dornahalli. He invited the Bethany Sisters to serve the people in their pastoral and economic needs. The Superior General, Mother Priscilla sent three sisters to open a a community on 21st May 1957. Sr Annunciata was appointed as Superior and Headmistress, and the members of the community were Sr Clare, one of the pioneers, Sr Xavier and Maggi bai. Fr Founder named the Convent as Fatima Convent in commemoration of the fortieth anniversary of Mother Mary’s apparition in Fatima on May 13th1917 a historic event.
Sisters started their Pastoral and Educational activities. Sr Azella and Sr Venera were in charge of the St Antony’s Shrine and stall. Dispensary was opened in 1958 and Sr Mida was in-charge of the dispensary. Rev. Fr Founder visited this rural area for the first time on 5thJuly in 1959. He made it holy by his presence. Good and genuine vocations have bloomed to Religious and Diocesan clergy due to the witnessing life of the Sisters. At present Sr Lorna is the Superior and Sr Madhu, Sr Lisia, Sr Mariline, Sr Canute, Sr Shanthi Clare, Sr Cecilia, Sr Shilpa Bakhita Menezes are the members. Sisters continue their pastoral and educational apostolate with much zeal and vigour.
Year of establishment: 11.05.1957