Sr M Reshma Lynet BS

Sr M Margret Pannakar BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

BLA Members-Kutta

Catechism -Kutta

Coaching class-Kutta
The little town of Kutta is in Kodagu, covered with coffee estates all over. Most Rev. Mathias Fernandes, the Bishop of Mysore requested Mother Gemma to open a convent at Kutta in 1979, for the educational as well as pastoral apostolate. Sr Eliza, Sr Mathutina and Sr Josia were the pioneers. Sr Josia was appointed as the headmistress of St Mary’s School Kutta. On November 29th 1981 Most Rev. Bishop Mathias Fernandes blessed and inaugurated the convent building. In 1983 a new school building was constructed. Sr Prudentia was appointed as Superior of the community and Headmistress of the school.
The presence of Sisters has helped in the faith formation of the people of Kutta and also to improve their educational standard. The school is a real boon to the poor people of this place. At present Sr Margaret Pannakar is the Superior and Headmistress. Sr Elizabeth, Sr Rita Zita Alva, Sr Reshma Lynet D’ Souza, and Sr Clarita are the members.
Year of establishment: 02.07.1979