Divine Mercy of Jesus - Patron of the Province
Bethany Provincial House, Kadru - Ranchi
On the occassion of the 93rd Foundation Day of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany a new Province was carved out from the Northern Province. Though the Northern Province supported in furthering the mission ventures in the northern part of India yet geographically it was too vast an area to be travelled. Sr. Maria Leena, the then Provincial and her team and all the Provincial Superiors and their teams have toiled tirelessly for the development of the Province and for the growth of the Sisters.
Installation of the Province
Carving out another Province was the felt need for the past few years. Hence a new Province was carved out on!6th July, 2013. But it was formally erected on 8th December, 2013 on the feast of Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary. On the same day Sr. Shaila, the new Provincial and her Councillors were installed during the Eucharistic Celebration presided over by His eminence Telesphore P Cardinal Toppo and concelebrated by 8 priests. It being the canonization day of Blessed John Paul II prayers were offered for special favours and blessings on the new leaders and the entire Congregation.
Sisters of Eastern Province living in three states and working in eight dioceses provide a good blend of integration of Religious life in the given cultural context.
Present geographical area of ministry

Uttar Pradesh


Total No. of Houses |
15 |
Membership (including Sisters abroad and in Central Administration) |
109 |
Perpetually Professed |
88 |
Junior Sisters |
19 |
Tertians |
02 |

Sr M Shaila BS Provincial Superior 2013 onwards

Sr M Jessy Maria BS Asst Provincial Superior

Sr M Bridget Pushpa Das BS II Councillor

Sr M Oliva BS III Councillor

Sr M Margarita BS IV Councillor

Sr M Monthie BS Province Procurator
Pastoral Apostolate
The Goal of our Pastoral Apostolate is ‘To promote Kingdom values’
Keeping in mind the sacred duty of administering the Pastoral care to the people entrusted to our care the following course of actions are designed and implemented:
Preparing the faithful for Liturgical and para-liturgical services
Teaching catechism in school,parishes and Villages
Preparing the faithful for the reception of sacraments
Formation and animation of association of children under the banner of Cruz Veer (Soldiers of Christ).
Family Apostolate
Youth Animation
Pastoral Care of Women & Men
Village Masses
Bethany Champions
Educational Apostolate
Keeping in mind the mandate of Jesus to spread the good news to the ends of the world, we feel proud that our sisters involve themselves in educating the less privileged ones. The sisters engage themselves in educating the lower section of the society with great enthusiasm, touching the lives of the students and reaching out to them with love.
We have 52 sisters involved in the educational apostolate, in the administration, teaching or in the office.
(Schools under Bethany Educational Society)
English Medium
Bethany Convent School, Naini, UP
Stela Maris Convent School, Sultanpur, UP
Bethany Convent School, Greater Noida, UP
St. Vincent’s Convent School, Berahampur, Odisha
Bethany Convent School, Bargarh, Odisha
Bethany Convent School, Jhrmunda, Odisha
Bethny Convent School, Ushamatu, Ranchi, Jharkhand
Bethany Convent School, Ulhatu, Ranchi, Jharkhand
Bethany Convent School, McManrdo, Jharkhand( Hindi Medium)
St. Vincent’s School (Oriya Medium)
Schools under other Management (Diocesan Schools) but run by us
Bethany Convent School, Paradip, Odisha (English Medium)
Bethany Convent School, Damruhat(Bhagalpur Diocese) Jharkhand (Hindi Medium)
Bethany Convent School, Susni, (Bhagalpur Diocese) Jharkhand(Hindi Medium)
St. Paul’s Convent School, Maluka. Jharkhand ( Hindi Medium)
Vocational Training Centers under Bethany Educational Society.
1. Bethany Vocational Training Centre, Greater Noida, U.P.
2. St. Vincent’s Vocational Training Centre, Berahampur
Hostel Apostolate
Called by God we give ourselves totally for the hostel ministry as per the desire of our Founder R.F.C. Mascarenhas, focussing our attention on the poor specially the girl child. We care for the children with understanding, patience and kindness, creating a conducive atmosphere for the development of their innate potentials, moral and spiritual growth. As hostels are cradles of vocation, we take utmost care for their faith formation.
The Province has following 08 hostels with 430 children:
Bethany Tribal Girls’ Home, McMandro, Ranchi, Jharkhand
Bethany Tribal Girls Home, Ushamatu, Ranchi, Jharkhand
St. Theresa’s Tribal Girls’ Home, Maluka
Bethany Tribal Girls Home, Damruhat, Jharkhand
Bethany Tribal Girls’ Home, Susni, Jharkhand
Bethany Tribal Girls’ Home, Badibahal, Odisha
Bethany Students’ Home, Jharmunda, Odisha
Bethany Disha, Graeter Noida, UP
Social Apostolate:
We commit ourselves to the cause of the poor. Our involvement in Social Action can be broadly classified into six main sectors.
Animation and Empowerment
Building communities of Peace and Development
Vocational training
Agricultural Sector
Programmes on Anti human trafficking
The Health Care Apostolate
Goal: Promotion of total positive health and well-being of the community through participatory approach.
Healing Ministry involves not only physicalhealth but also the wholeness of the entire person, society and environment. In this era of commercialized health care system we touch the ailing humanity with tenderness and compassionate love by promoting low cost medicine such as herbal and home remedies affordable to the weaker, marginalized sections of the society. We empower people by imparting the necessary health education so that they make their own decision of creating a healthy community.
Our Health Centres:
Bethany Health Centre, McMandro, Jharkhand
Bethany Health Centre, Maluka, Jharkhand
Fr. Jacob Memorial Health Centre, Damruhat, Jharkhand
Bethany Health Centre, Susni, Jharkhand
Bethany Health Centre, Badibahal, Odisha
Bethany Health Centre, Jharmunda, Odisha
Vocation Animation:
Making Disciples of Christ to share in his compassionate love with others is the primary concern of vocation animation. We as the followers of Christ have taken up the mission of awakening in each human heart a quest for the Divine, to a life of transformation.
Those young ladies who desire to follow the Lord in the garden of Bethany may contact the following:
Vocation Promoter
Bethany Provincial House
Kadru, Doranda P.O
Ranchi, Jharkhand
834 002
Vocation Promoter
Bethany Convent
Tiklipara P.O.
Via Jamanakira
Badibahal, Odisha
Vocation Promoter
Bethany Convent
Naini, Allahabad
UP – 221 008
Phone Numbers:
i) Sr. Margarita BS - 07739092999
ii) Sr. Gracy Natal - 07381660336
iii) Sr. Gracy Gamjya - 09794542569
We who are called and chosen to follow the Divine Master are gradually transformed during our transformation period, like Mary, through the practice of fiat that continues till the end of our life. We are constantly to empty ourselves and be formed and transformed like the clay in the hand of the potter unto the very image of God.
Candidates are trained in Mcmandro( Ranchi), Berahampur (Odisha) and Nanthoor(Mangalore)
The North, North East and Eastern Provinces have common Pre- Novitiate and Novitiate in the territory of North East Province situated in Behala and Barasat, Kolkata respectively.
Important Events
Special Events and Celebrations in the Province:
GOLDEN BELLS CHIMED IN NAINI: For Bethany Convent and Bethany Convent School, Naini U.P, the 1st February, 2014 and 29th July 2015 were very auspicious days, as it celebrated its 50th year of existence on the holy land of Sangam, Allahabad
Final Profession at McMandro:
Final Profession at Badibahal:
Provincial Chapter:
14th August, 2015 was marked as red letter day in the history of the Eastern Province wherein it celebrated its first provincial chapter
Provincial Assemblies:
I Provincial Assembly with the theme
II Provincial Assembly: Journeying into the Kingdom through our Consecrated Life.
III Provincial Assembly held at Usha Matu-Ranchi ( 11.04.2015 to 14.04.2015) on the theme “Being Good news today- a way forward”.
IV Provincial Assembly (14th – 17th September, 2016)
Theme: "Transformative communities - becoming Prophetic Witness"
Closing function of the Year of Consecrated life:
Year of establishment : 08.12.2013

Activities of the Province

Bethany Provincial House, Kadru

Provincial and Team
Left: Sr M Margarita BS, Sr M Jessy Maria Bs, Sr M Shaila BS, Sr M Bridget Pushpa Das BS, Sr M Oliva BS

Provincialate Community
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Sr. Jessy Maria BS Provincial Superior 2022-2026 |
Sr. Anita Moras BS Asst Provincial 2022-2026 |
Sr. Christine Noronha BS II Councillor 2022 |
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Sr Agnelita BS III Councillor 2022-2026 |
Sr Margarita BS IV Councillor 2022-2026 |
Sr Kanti Dungdung BS Province Procurator 2022- |