Sr M Agnelita BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Tailoring students

Educational ministry
Sultanpur is distinguished for its unique culture. Originally known as Kushbhawanpura, it was renamed as Sultanpur which means the city of beautiful vines. It is located on the bank of Gomti River. Forty Nine years down memory lane we see the divine intervention mightily guiding and shaping the destiny of Bethany as it took roots in Sultanpur. It was through the instrumentality of Bishop Raymond D’Mello, the 2nd house – Stella Maris convent was opened on 1 July 1968. Miss Dora Beach, an American missionary with her sister Eva K Beach came and settled down in Sultanpur and began her missionary work under the “Eva K Beach Trust”. Later, the work was handed over to Miss Florence Beuckman who successfully carried it on till her advancing age in 1960. The Eva K Beach Trust sold the mission property to the Diocese of Allahabad in order to continue the work of the Gospel. Rt. Rev. Raymond D’Mello who had taken over as Bishop of Allahabad Diocese in 1964 approached Mother Macrina, the Superior General, to take over the mission at Sultanpur. Mother Macrina readily accepted this invitation.
The five sisters, Sr Canice Superior, Sr Doyline, Sr Yolande, Sr Scholastica, Sr Imani, Sr Flavita and Sr George pioneered Stella Maris Convent and started the school at Sultanpur on 11th July 1968 with 78 children. Classes were held in a tin roofed shed. Sr Canice was the first principal and sisters were welcomed and made to feel at home in a new place by Fr Stephen Rodrigues, the Parish Priest, and the people of Sultanpur.
As the strength of the school increased it was necessary to construct a new school building, the foundation of which was laid on 1st August 1969 by Fr Stephen Rodrigues, the Parish Priest of St. Paul’s Church Sultanpur and was constructed under the watchful care of Fr Stephen Rodrigues. Initially Stella Maris School was affiliated to U.P. Board. It was in 1984 it was affiliated to CBSE under the leadership of Sr Zelie & Sr Olivetta.
On 11th November 2004 a new plot of land was purchased at Narayanpur and on 13th April 2008 the foundations stone of the building was laid by Sr. Rose Celine then the Assistance Provincial Superior and blessed by Fr. Charles Almeida the parish priest. The persevering efforts and sustained interest of Sr. Irene D’Souza, the superior and Sr. Alodia, the Principal who worked tirelessly for the clearance of all the technical problems to guarantee the construction of the school building. The school was upgraded toare laudable. senior secondary on 2nd April 2008. The arduous efforts put in by Sr Alodia and Sr Benedicta Castelino, the principals, and Sr Monthie, the Superior and the vice principal,Stella Maris Convent School in the past 9 years has grown from strength to strength with this committed and humanitarian service to the society. At present under the animation of Sr Agnelita, the Superior and Sr Irene D’Souza, the principal through the teaching in the school with full time commitment, the sisters with the help of a few teachers have committed to conduct remedial classes round the year for slow learners of the school. There are three teachers employed to help the disadvantaged children of the neighbouring children in the evening hours while the sisters actively involved themselves in the supervision of these activities and the pastoral work both in Sultanpur and Korwa.
Year of establishment : 01.07.1968