Sr M Joselita BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Girl Child Trafficking Meet at Sosopi

Hostel ministry

Medical ministry
In 1978 an opportunity to start a house at Jhinkpani in Jamshedpur knocked at the door of Bethany when the Sisters were invited by the Associated Cement Company( ACC), Jamshedpur, to start a school for them. The Bishop and the priest of the Diocese were not in favour of English as the medium of instruction. But they could not refuse the offer, as the ACC had agreed to provide a building for a Convent and an English Medium School.
Invited by Rt. Rev. Joseph Rodericks S.J, the Bishop of Jamshedpur, Bethany opened St. Theresa’s Convent, the first house in the Diocese of Jamshedpur. On 16 July 1978 in Bihar (Jharkhand) Sr. Innocentia, the Superior & principal began her long trek to the distant land Jhikpani with Sr. Acquiline, Sr Nicoline & Sr. Eulalia. The sisters occupied the simple quarters given by the Associated Cement Company for their use. Apart from that teaching in the school, sisters also began catechizing the catholic children, though they were very small. They also visited the neighbouring villages to provide them with medical care.
Slowly but steadily the school & the parish became more vibrant as their work bore abundant fruit. The hard life of the sisters & their committed services were much appreciated by the people & the management of A.C.C. Rev. Fr. C.R. Prabhu, a loving pastor and an able social worker directed the sisters in pastoral & social work.
As the time flowed on its wings, the functioning of the school did not become as smooth as it was expected. There was a change made in terms & conditions by the A.C.C. Management which was not acceptable to the sisters.
On the January of 15, 1987 a furious mob got into the compound disrupted the activities and created a scene. After this incident the strange relationship between the sisters and A.C.C. authorities began to grow worse. The sisters contemplated on closing down the school. Sr Wilberta, the then Provincial Superior, Sr Canice the Former Regional Superior and Fr. C.R. Prabhu had a brief meeting with A.C.C. Management. The school was closed down with effect from 31st March 1987, with a thanksgiving prayer and Holy Eucharist.
After the close of the school the sisters returned to the Povincialate Karnal but their heart was with the poor in Jhinkpani whom they had served. So on 3rd July 1987on the feast day of St Thomas the Apostle the enthusiastic and zealous sisters Sr Lancia the animator, Sr Gracy D’Souza, Sr Arati D’Souza and Sr Pressy returned to Kumar Toli in Jhinkpani to begin their work in social-medical field. At the Jamshedpur railway station they were received by Fr. Edwin Coelho. At Kumhar Toli they were welcomed by Fr Henry Scqueira the Parish Priest.
The sisters along with Fr Henry Scqueira the Parish Priest undertook many developmental medical and pastoral works. However the mission was far from easy, there were communal elements disrupting their activities.
At Maluka
The Diocese helped the sisters to find land in Maluka and sisters considered themselves privileged to work among the Ho tribals who are known for their simplicity, openness, hard work and generosity. Sisters rejoiced when a new convent at Maluka was blessed on 25 January 1990 on the feast of St. Paul the Apostle. Fr. Charles Pereira SJ, the rector of Loyola community blessed the house in the presence of Sr. Maria Leena and Sr. Hilerian the Provincial councillor and those assembled.
On 5th February 1990 the sisters occupied the new convent and continued their educational, social, pastoral and medical apostolate. The administration of the existing parish school was handed over to the sisters by Fr. Edwin Coelho. Sr. Gleva was the Superior of the convent and the first headmistress of the Hindi Medium School.
While the people of Maluka remember the sisters, they particularly talk about the hard labour of Sr Karuna who collected the funds to put up a new school block with spacious class rooms. Mr Madhu Koda, the chief minister of Jharkhand, helped in constructing a new school block which was inaugurated on 24th January 2008, and blessed by Rt. Rev. Fr. Felix Toppo Bishop of Jamshedpur. Sr Madhu for the past four years and now Sr Saroj as the Headmistress of the School, work hand in hand with the staff for the development of the school.
At present, Sr Joselita is the superior of the community.
Year of establishment : 16.07.1978