Sr M Supreeta BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Educational ministry

Formation - Candidates

Hostel ministry
The Journey of Bethany to Ranchi began with the meditation of two Jesuit Priests. In 1994 Fr Vijay Kamath SJ approached Sr Canice, the Regional Superior to open a convent in Mahuatoli in Namkum Ranchi on 2nd July 1985. The four pioneer sisters, namely, Sr Jyoti, Sr Rosia, Sr Rose Rita and Sr Nilam reached Ranchi and they were welcomed warmly by Fr Bruggeman S. J. rector of St Albert Seminary, Ranchi, and Fr Vijay Kamath S.J. of Agriculture Training Centre (A.T.C.), Ranchi.
On 3rd July 1985, on the feast day of St Thomas the Apostle, the villagers at Namkum lovingly welcomed sisters with traditional adivasi dance. From July 28, 1985 onwards the sisters stayed in the village among the people. Sisters witnessed the struggles and problems of the people in their daily life and learnt local customs, language, traditions and adapted to the local situation. It was on 5th February 1987 the sisters shifted to McMandro, the place which was offered by Archbishop Telesphore Toppo. The sisters were invited to work in the Hindi Medium School and cater to the medical needs of the people around.
Bethany convent McMandro completed 25 years in the service of the people in Ranchi. This community has full fledged school up to 10th Class, which got the recognition from Jharkhand board in 2016 under the leadership of Sr Karuna, the principal of the school. Having the strength of 800 students in the school made rapid progress and it’s a boon to the villagers as the first Hindi Medium School of Bethany.
Medical Apostolate started on 9th February 1987, is carried on till today giving its best service to the sick and suffering humanity. This Dispensary cum the herbal medical centre headed by Sr Supreetha is a mini hospital to the villagers.
McMandro, situated in the rural set-up, found to be an ideal place for the formation of the candidates and their come and see programme. In July 2006 onwards different group of candidates have completed their come and see formation under different formators. At present Sr Wilberta, our former Superior General, is the candidate directress. There is a spiritual vibrancy felt on the campus. Another addition at McMandro was a student’s home for the dropouts who are prepared for the board examination of class 10th. At present there are more than 50 students residing in a students’ home and studying in classes 1 to 10.
Over the years the lives of the people has been transformed by the pastoral contact, socio-medical service and the education imparted to them by the sisters. The life of sacrifice lived by the sisters has been blessed with new members joining Bethany from Ranchi and other parts of Jharkhand.
Year of establishment : 03.07.1985