Sr M Naveen BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Hostel ministry

Socio - Medical ministry
Nature lovers and poets of great renown like William Wordsworth, John Keats, and P.B. Shelly would surely enjoy a visit to a place like Damruhat with its dense forests, scenic beauty and wild life in its abundance, but one really wonders, whether they would ever dare make it their abode because it is deprived of all amenities and comforts of the modern world. Having impelled by the spirit of the founder to preach the Good News to the last, the least and the lost, and reach out to them in loving service, Bethany dared to venture into such terrain and serve the Tribal belt of the Santhals. In response to the invitation of Bishop of Bhagalpur, Rt. Rev. Urban McGarry TOR, Bethany opened its house at Damruhat on 16 July 1987.
On 14 July 1987 the four pioneers Sr Christine Noronha, Sr Rose Rita, and Sr Balbeena under the leadership of Sr Winnifred Veronica placing themselves in God’s hand reached Bhagalpur city. And on 10th July after Holy Eucharist at the Cathedral, the sisters left to Damruhat accompanied by Bishop of Bhagalpur. The guests were welcomed by washing their feet as a customary with the Santhals and as a mark of receiving them in their fold.
The backward village of the Damruhat surrounded by dense forests had no proper road or transport facility. There was no electricity; no facility of running tap water etc. The villagers came to Fr Jacob Memorial Health Centre run by the sisters on the campus. Cases of kalazar cerebral Malaria and complicated pregnancy were treated in their initial stage by the sister nurse. The deep faith and self sacrificing spirit of the people of Damruhat gives joys to the sisters. The Bethany Lay Associates at Damruhat are consistent and vibrant members. The pioneers and other sisters have laboured much with many a sacrifice to improve the quality of life.
Damruhat, located in interior village, had no school in 20 Km. radius. Fr Jacob K. the parish priest, an ardent and committed missionary started the school for the locals in 1991. When Bethany sisters came to Damruhat, the sisters were requested to look after the school. From then on with a spirit of service and deep love for the poor our sisters have worked tirelessly to get the school recognized and make it a fully fledged school.
Bethany Girls’ Tribal Home bubbles with life. 65 girls move around the spacious campus where their hostel is situated. The girls study in St Joseph’s Middle School. Devoting their entire time for the girls the sisters lovingly take care of them. The work that was undertaken by the band of four pioneers is now carried on with greater fervour and zest. Presently Sr Naveen as a Superior, Sr Gleva and Sr Winnifred render their whole hearted service.
Year of establishment : 16.07.1987