Sr M Mojesta BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Educational ministry

Hostel ministry

Medical ministry
Servant of God Raymond FC Mascarenhas was a man of God, man of courage and lover of the poor. So are his spiritual daughters- adventurous, courageous and willing to penetrate even into the interior jungles of Susni in Jharkhand to announce the good news of the reign of God. Susni is 14 Km away from Damruhat and is an extremely backward village which needed development in all spheres. People of this area suffered from Malaria, Kalazar and TB besides being oppressed by the people of high caste.
In the year 1997 Fr Peter Goveas, a zealous diocesan priest, decided to stay with these people and serve them. He started a school in the shade of a tree for them while he stayed in a mud house. In the meantime sisters from Damruhat started visiting the place on two wheelers risking their lives. Impressed by the zeal of the sisters for the mission work and the hardships and risks they had to face to cover the distance, Bishop Thomas Kozhimala got a small tin roofed temporary house constructed at Susni. It was blessed by him on 2nd August 2004. The sisters stayed in that house and continued their work with zest and vigour.
On 16th July 2005 was a day of rejoicing for the sisters and the parishioners as the convent was canonically erected by Sr Nora, the Provincial Superior. The three pioneers – Sr Clarice, the Superior, Sr Martha Behera, the nurse, and Sr Onila Sangeetha, the first Bethany Headmistress of Jeevan Jyoti Middle School, owned by the Diocese with 600 students on roll. Once the sisters started staying in Susni the girls’ hostel was handed over to the sisters with 115 in number.
On 19th July 2007 a strong convent building was blessed by Bishop Kurian Valiakandathil, the Bishop of Bhagalpur, and was inaugurated by Sr Maria Leena, the Provincial Superior. The pastoral work of the Sisters was intensified after this and it was strengthened by Sr Grace Xalxo who visited the villages on foot, and taught the prayers and conducted retreats for the people.
On September 12th 2008 the new dispensary was blessed by Fr Thomas Kurungatt, the VG of the Bhagalpur diocese. Sr Martha Behera, Sr Shobha, Sr Rositta, Sr Felicia Sakri, Sr Elizabeth Kujur and now Sr Mary Mojesta are making a significant contribution towards health of the people.
At present sisters are taking care of the Tribal Girls’ Home with 56 children from class one to ten. Sr Mojesta is the Superior of the house.
However, Susni and other villages around it have not seen much noteworthy development as expected in this period because of lack of transport facilities, electricity and other infrastructural problems. But by their untiring efforts the sisters at Susni have been doing a commendable job in the field of education, healthcare, pastoral and other developmental works in many villages of the parish.
Year of establishment : 16.07.2005