

Eucharistic celebration: officiated by Most Rev Louis Mascarenhas, Bishop of Allahabad Diocese


Unveiling the Plaque


From left: Sr Archana Bastaray, Sr Sunita Toppo –(Superior) Sr Prisca Barla


Pioneers with the Bishop, Parish Priest and Asst Parish Priest


Sisters with the Bishop

At the invitation of Most Rev Louis Mascarenhas, Bishop of Allahabad Diocese, Sr. Rose Celine, the Superior General in her council decided to open the 193rd Community of the Congregation and the 19th Community of the Eastern Province of Bethany to carry forward the mission of compassionate love of God through the collaborative ministry with the Diocese of Allahabad in St. Xavier’s Parish Robertsganj.

The new shoot - Bethany Convent is situated at Robertsganj the headquarters of Sonebhadra, second largest district of Uttar Pradesh in the Diocese of Allahabad. Due to high mountains, colourful gardens, well-fortified dam and historical places the First Prime Minister of India Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru called Sonebhadra as "The Switzerland of India". Robertsganj is located about 178 k.m from Prayagraj (Allahabad) and 173 k.m from Bethany Convent Naini, the nearest Bethany Community. Robertsganj is well connected by road and by train.

The new community was solemnly inaugurated on 23rd June 2024 with Holy Eucharist at 6.00 p.m officiated by Most Rev Louis Mascarenhas, Bishop of Allahabad Diocese, concelebrated by 13 priests and participated by Sisters of other religious congregation of Sonebhadra Zone, and the parishioners. Sr. Jessy Maria – the Provincial Superior of Eastern Province with her entire team of Councillors, the Province Procurator and the Sisters from Bethany Convent Naini graced this occasion.

It was indeed a blessed day for us Bethany Sisters of the Eastern Province and in particular to the pioneers, Sr. Sunita Toppo –Superior, Sr. Prisca Barla and Sr. Archana Bastaray, all set to bring good news to the people of Robertsganj through pastoral and educational apostolate.

Amidst a great number of priests and religious both women and men, and a few families of the Parish, Bishop Louis Mascarenhas blessed and inaugurated the compact, well-furnished Bethany Convent building constructed by the Diocese for the residence of the Sisters. The event was made colourful and memorable by a short felicitation programme arranged for the occasion. Fr. Albert Praveen Lobo - Principal of St Xavier’s School welcomed and honoured all the dignitaries. Bishop Louis Mascarenhas honoured the Provincial Superior as well as Pioneers with shawls and bouquets.

Sr Jessy Maria - Provincial Superior in her message thanked Bishop and acknowledged with gratitude for the opportunity offered for the collaborative mission at St Xavier's Parish and the School. Bishop thanked the Provincial Superior for accepting his invitation and for facilitating the process.

Sr Sunita Toppo – Local Superior expressed sentiments of gratitude to the Bishop, Parish priest –Fr. Lancy D’Cunha, Fr. Albert Praveen Lobo - Principal and the Provincial Superior for making all the elaborate arrangements for their stay and mission. She acknowledged with gratitude the hospitality and support offered by Sr Philo and the Community of Ursuline Sisters. She also thanked everyone gathered on this blessed occasion. A delicious meal was served at the end.

June 24th 2024 on the feast of St John the Baptist Most Rev Louis Mascarenhas, Bishop of Allahabad Diocese celebrated Eucharist in the Convent Chapel. Fr Lancy Dcunha Parish Priest and Fr Albert Lobo Asst. Parish Priest concelebrated. Sr Jessy Maria the Provincial Superior, read out the Decree of erection of 193rd Community of the Congregation and 19th community of the Eastern Province. Thereafter Sr Sunita Toppo was installed as Superior of Bethany Convent, Robertsganj.

Date of Establishment: 23.06.2024

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