Sr M Shalini Mary BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Teaching Catechism

Hostel ministry
Bethany Convent Samoguri, Namsai in Arunachal Pradesh was a reality of the dream many had dreamt. Sr Jyoti the Superior General was the force behind it and Bishop George Pallipparambil the Bishop of Miao diocese was the immediate instrument to fulfill this aspiration. In 2008, Sr Noeline the Provincial Superior met the Bishop. He expressed his desire to open a College in Namsai. The Bishop sent an invitation to this effect. After a period of exploration the project was ready for takeoff. However, it got aborted by unforeseen factors beyond our control.
Since the college was delaying to take off, Bishop George invited the Bethany Sisters to work at Namsai in the diocesan school and the parish. The Province lost no time in accepting the offer.
It was on 16 May 2009, Sr Sandhya, Sr Lucious and Sr Sunitha Jyoti left for Namsai to help in the admission process. They began their mission in a thatched mud house provided by the parish. The school was not getting sufficient students, but the admissions increased when the news spread that Sisters were going to teach in the School. On 1 June 2009 the School reopened with 54 students in K.G. and Class I and Sr Christine and Sr Sunitha Jyoti were the pioneers to this mission. A hostel was opened with 13 girls from the neighbouring villages.
The mission at Samoguri, Namssai was an extension of Garchuk Community. Due to the distance factor and many other practical problems with the permission from the Superior General, the first Bethany Convent in Arunachal Pradesh was canonically erected on 15 July 2011. Sr Aquinas was appointed its first Superior and Srs Catherine Rongmei and Sr Rincy Kurian were the members. Most Rev George Pallipparambil, Bishop of the diocese of Miao blessed the modest house and the hostel.
The place where the Convent is located is called Samoguri. It is about 5 kms from Namsai town. The inhabitants of the village belong mainly to the Adi tribe and a few to other tribes like Gailong, Mishing and Kamti. What is common among all the inhabitants is their low economic status and their desire for a better living.
The main apostolate the Sisters are engaged in are: teaching and hostel management along with the pastoral ministry. According to the needs of the people later on other apostolates such as medical and social will be taken up.
After Sr Aquinas completed her term as Superior, Sr Therese Lagardo stepped into her place and the members of the community at present are Sr Felcy and Sr Cecilia Kujur.
Year of establishment : 16.07.2011