Sr M Noeline BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Educational ministry

The origin of Manmow mission Namsai by the Bethany Sisters is shrouded in God’s mysterious intervention. It dates back to 2012 when Rt Rev George Pallipparambil, the Bishop of Miao Diocese requested the then Superior General Sr Wilberta to take up the mission of establishing a Degree College in Manmow, Namsai. This opportunity was willingly consented by the Congregation for establishing a unique mission of catering to the youth of Eastern Arunachal.
The vision was soon made possible as Mr C KManpoong – the ex MLA Namsai, brought to the notice of the Bishop about the availability of land at Manmow. Making use of this opportunity Bishop George consented to take up this offer on certain conditions. The congregation took up this challenge through the province as the then Provincial Superior Sr Noeline was asked to look into further details of taking up the cause of Higher Education in Eastern Arunachal Pradesh, specifically in Manmow, Namsai. To verify the viability of the mission, Sr Noeline along with her Councilors undertook many visits to Namsai which was quite remote at that time. Sr Noeline, having completed her term as the Provincial Superior was soon requested by the Superior General Sr Wilberta and the newly elected Provincial Superior Sr Joy to initiate this mission.
On 13 August 2012 amidst the torrential rain all over Arunachal and a flood of a severe nature at Manmow area Sr Noeline landed at St Mary’s Convent Samoguri. Thereafter the initial procedure of obtaining the No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Government of Arunachal to open Venerable Uktara Bethany College (VUBC) as well as Land Possession Certificate (LPC) for 15 acres of land that we took over from Mr C K Manpoong. NOC was granted on 16 October, 2012 and the Land Possession Certificate on 18 February 2013. The mission saw a new horizon on 27 March 2013 as the Foundation Stone was laid for VU Bethany College by Bishop George Pallipparambil in the presence of Mrs & Mr C K Manpoong, Mr Athitheva, the Joint Secretary of Bethany Charitable Trust, the Parish Priest, Sisters, a few teachers from Khunlai School and Sr Noeline who was to be a part of this mission. On the same day the Convent building which was still under construction was also blessed. Sr Sukhi Therese came on and off from Guwahati to assist Sr Noeline when she had to pay visits to Itanagar. The first community was erected on 29 June 2014 with Sr Noeline the first Superior and Sr Teresa Martis, Sr Janet Sylvia and Sr Sukhi Therese as the members. The community consists of 6 Sisters.
The College runs a ladies Hostel since the inception of the College to provide higher education for ladies from far flung villages. Sr Eva is in charge of the Ladies Hostel. In 2016 a hostel for the College boys is also opened and Fr Santhosh ocd is in charge.
On 16 July 2014 the new venture was actualized with the inauguration of the Academic Session by Mr Ravi Jha, ADC Namsai in the presence of Sr Edleburgh, the Asst Provincial Superior, Fr C C Jose, the Vicar General of the diocese, Mr Babu, the WRD Engineer, Mr C K Manpoong, Sr Noeline the Administrator and the Superior, Sr Teresa Martis, the Principal, Sr Janet, the Vice Principal, Sisters, a few parents and the First batch of B.A and B.Com Students, 54 in number. The official inauguration of VU Bethany College was held on 2 August 2014. Shree Nabam Tuki, Chief Minister, Arunachal Pradesh was the Chief Guest. Bishop George Pallipparambil and Sr Rose Celine the General Councillor were honoured guests. Sr Joy, the Provincial Superior Sr Edleburgh and Sr Mary Laldikzuali the Councillors, Shree Chowna Mein, Shree Kamlung Mossang the Ministers, Shree Zingnu Namchoom, Shree Honchun Howkip, the MLA’s and the other dignitaries, fathers, sisters, parents and well-wishers witnessed this solemn inauguration and blessing. The students gave a spectacular performance. Thus the new venture was fully actualized.
Our acknowledgement is due to the Bethany Congregation, Sr Wilberta the Superior General and the Council for financing the college building, Sr Joy, the Provincial Superior and the Council for the constant support and guidance. Thus the farthest mission in the northeast stands synonymous to our Founder’s vision and life – He took the road less travelled. Indeed that has made a great difference!
Year of establishment: 29.06.2004