Sr M Ruth BS, Superior and Novice Directress

Novitiate Staff

I Year Novices with the Staff

II years with the Staff

I Years and II years with the Staff

Bethany Novitiate, Barasat

Bethany Novitiate, Barasat

Bethany Novitiate, Barasat was born out of the felt need of the Northern and North East Provinces to have a Formation House keeping in mind the cultural context. In 1993, Sr Agnella BS, the then Superior General, expressed this need to His Grace Henry D’Souza, the Archbishop of Kolkata, who suggested a plot of land at Barasat. Sr Agnella entrusted the work to Sr Canisia, the Provincial Superior of Northeast Province. Accordingly with the help of Mr George Philip the land was bought and registered in 1993.
On February 2nd 1995, the feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, the foundation of the Novitiate at Barasat was laid in the presence of many Bethany Sisters from nearby communities and sisters and fathers from Barasat area. Msgr John D’ Souza, the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Kolkata blessed the Foundation stone.
By June 1996 the building was ready for occupancy. On June 13, Bethany Novitiate was blessed by Henry D’Souza, the Archbishop of Kolkata and was inaugurated by Sr Agnella BS, the Superior General of the Congregation, in the presence of an august gathering. The Superior General, the Provincials from all the 5 Provinces and many religious and priests witnessed the grand occasion.
On the very day, 10 postulants were initiated into the Novitiate by the Superior General in a meaningful ceremony. Sr Joy BS was appointed the Novice directress and Superior of the house with Sr Hilarita BS as her assistant and Sr Gilbertine BS for house management. After two years, the first batch of novices made their First Profession on June 13th 1998. Sr Joy, the first Novice directress was elected as the General Councillor in 1998.
The list of the Novice Directresses since its inception:
Sr M Joy BS 1996 - 1998
Sr Lucy Maria BS 1998 - 2000
Sr Erasma BS 2000 – 2006
Sr Mary Diki BS 2006 – 2012
Sr Selina BS 2012 – 2015
Sr M Ruth BS 2015 –
At present under the able and dynamic leadership of Sr M Ruth BS, continues to form the novices, with the assistance of Sr Monica Dung Dung, Sr Vijaya Pinto and Sr Ottilia. The 21 promising and joyful novices belonging to Northern, Eastern and North East Provinces add to the beauty of the Church and the Congregation.