Sr M Nanditha BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Pastroral ministry

Educational ministry

Social ministry
In 1945, under most pressing circumstances Fr Founder Mgr RFC Mascarenhas opened the Madeleine Girls’ High School at Mulki. In 1946 Fr Founder Mgr RFC Mascarenhas requested the Bishop to allow the Bethany Congregation to take up the school. But on account of the disposition of the bishop, he could not succeed in getting the school handed over to the Bethany sisters. In 1946, Fr Founder Mgr RFC Mascarenhas requested the Bishop to allow the Bethany Congregation to take up the school.
On 23rd March 1947 the public and the parishioners through the parish priest of Mulki submitted an application signed by Mr R.D Souza on behalf of the parishioners, to the Bishop of Mangalore requesting the Bishop to grant permission to Bethany Sisters to take over the existing management of Madeleine Educational Society and permit the Bethany Sisters to open a convent at Mulki.
The Auxiliary who succeeded the revered Bishop Rt Rev Basil Peres permitted the Bethany Sisters to open a convent in 1958 in Mulki and take over the management of the school. It was decided to open a convent at Mulki on 24th May 1958 and to reserve the Blessed Sacrament. This grant of favour became a forte to Bethany Congregation to continue the mission of our Pioneers, to educate the rural poor especially girls. The inauguration of the Convent took place on 26th May 1958. The Vicar Capitular Rt Rev Albert V DSouza blessed the Chapel. On 22nd October 1958, approval to open primary classes from I to V to be attached to Madeleine High School the permission had been obtained from the Educational authorities. With efforts made by Sr Agnella in 1959 the management of Madeleine school was transferred to the Bethany Educational Society.
Madeleine Convent, Mulki is indeed a place of nature’s bounty. Any grove, be it vegetable gardening or commercial crop cultivation is possible in this 10.7 acres of land. In the past some of the sisters have sufficiently maneuvered the land so much so that the paddy yield was sufficient enough to feed the inmates of the community.
Today Madeleine Convent, Mulki, accommodates a Higher Primary School established on 1st December 1961 and an English Medium Section established on 15th January 1970. The technical School was opened in 1968. A new plot was purchased at Kilpady for the purpose of mission. As per the signs of the time various educational institutions were opened: Bethany English Medium Pry School in 2005, Bethany High School in 2012 and Bethany P U College was opened in 2010. Today around 1200 Students are studying in this campus. The students studying here are privileged to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Eucharist once a month.
The sisters of the community are engaged in educational, pastoral and social apostolate. The technical school catered to the needs of the local girls in training them for the development of their skills in craft and tailoring. On 25th May 2008, Madeleine Convent completed 50 years.
The history would not be complete without a mention of the underlying deep faith and trust that Fr Founder Mgr RFC Mascarenhas, Mother Martha, Mother Petra and Sr Magdalene always had in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and their belief in the acceptance of situations as they came.
Year of establishment : 26.05.1958