Sr M Juliana BS

Members of the Community

Convent building and Chapel

Educational ministry

Computer Lab
Rosa Mystica – to the casual listener it gives an idea of a rose flower. Indeed it is a Rose but not of this earth. ‘Rosa Mystica’, Mystical rose is the title given to Mary the Mother of Jesus who is the favoured, the grace filled creation of God, the lovely woman chosen by Him to be the mother of His Son Jesus. She is the heavenly rose, the Mystical Rose – a rose of rare beauty nay of Mysterious beauty which can neither be comprehended by the human mind, nor described by the human tongue, nor captured by human art.
In 1929, when Miss Lucy Rego daughter of Isidore Rego and Anna Rego, of Kadri, Mangalore, joined Bethany Congregation her father gave her a dowry of 50.33 acres of land situated about 18 km from the city of Mangalore, on the Mangalore Moodbidri Road 136. It was the barren land sans vegetation, sans human habitation. Fr Founder Mgr RFC Mascarenhas who was a man of vision and deep intellectual insight saw the future prospects of this area and bought also the available adjacent land of 9.64 acres.
First of all he dedicated the land to Blessed Virgin Mary the Mystical Rose and called it Rosa Mystica and began the work under the patronage and protection of this benevolent Mother. His trust and confidence in her has not been in vain. On 15th October 1931 at 10.30 am he laid the foundation stone for a building for the future convent. It was a modest ceremony in the presence of Mother Martha, one of the pioneers and the first Superior General of the Congregation, Sr Josephine, Rev. Fr Leo Saldanha, parish priest of Bajpe, and Miss Lucy Rego. The work of the building commenced immediately and the house was ready by January 1932.
At last the auspicious day dawned for the installation of the new community at Rosa Mystica on 11th February 1932, the Feast of our Lady of Lourdes. Early that morning Mother Martha and Sr Magdalene with Sr Bartholomew, Sr Agatha and two house maids Ms Lucy and Ms Juliana D Souza who were to be the inmates of the house reached this place.
Sr Benigna and Sr Julia joined the little group soon after Sr Benigna was appointed as the first superior of the house. The little band worked together with might, love and unity. They tilled the barren land and raised vegetation all around getting their inspiration from Fr Founder Mgr RFC Mascarenhas. His frequent visits along with Mother Martha, Sr Magdalene and other sisters was a constant source of encouragement and support to the sisters and workers that filled them with enthusiasm and zeal in doing the work entrusted to them.
Prayer and work went hand in hand. Valiant and committed religious have headed this institution as superiors and worked towards its full development in various ways. Speaking about Rosa Mystica, Fr John D Souza SJ, of revered memory had this to say “A den of tigers and wild animals has been transformed into a beautiful garden of Eden”.
In 14th June 1939, with Sr Genevieve as the Headmistress, St Joseph’s Primary School was opened. The Primary school has ever maintained a good standard and has grown in strength and fame under the leadership of able Head mistresses.
Another step in the development of Rosa Mystica was the birth of an industrial school. St Joseph’s Industrial School was inaugurated and blessed and a picture was put up on 21st April 1942.
In 1945 saw the birth of another institution on the campus. Realizing the need for more good teachers to train young children Fr Founder Mgr RFC Mascarenhas thought of Rosa Mystica as an ideal place to start a teacher training Institute. Hence on 2nd July, 1945 a Higher Elementary Training School was opened for girls completing their higher elementary education with Mother Macrina as its first Headmistress.
The year 1958 saw the birth of a High School. As there was no facility for secondary education for the children of this area they had to travel to distant places like Bajpe or Kulshekar. Hence seeing the need, Sr Edburge who was the Headmistress of the teachers training Institute, took the initiative to start a High School to cater to the educational needs of the children.
On 4th September, 1994 a self-employment training Centre known as Vanitha Vocational Training Centre was opened in the Rosa Mystica premises for the benefit of school drop outs.
A computer centre is part of the technological development in the campus. Sr Sadhana was leading this centre on the path of progress. A community College was opened in 2005 with the initiative of Sr Wilberta, Assistant Superior General. Now Sr Josita is looking after this Centre.
Rosa Mystica Eng. Med. School was established in 01.06.2008. Bethany Pre-Primary School 01.06.2012, Bethany Primary School 01.06.2013
“A thing of beauty is a joy forever” and so is Rosa Mystica – Mary’s garden, where she reins lovingly as Queen and Mother.
Superiors who served : Sr M Benigna BS, Sr M Zeeta BS, Sr M Gonzaga BS, Sr M Berchmans BS, Sr M Louise BS, Sr M Macrina BS, Sr M Honoratha BS, Sr M Claudia BS, Sr M Olympia BS, Sr M Lucian BS, Sr M Virginia BS, Sr M Bertha BS, Sr M Medela BS, Sr M Anseline BS, Sr M Juliana BS, Sr M Chrisette BS, Sr M Theresine BS, Sr M Felicia BS, Sr M Sharon BS, Sr M Helen BS, Sr M Amita B.S
Present Superior: Sr Juliana B.S
Year of establishment: 11.02.1932