Sr M Acquilla BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Rubber shed

Educational ministry

Pastroal ministry

Pastoral ministry
Ajekar is situated in the Malnad area. It is a small village in Marne Grama Panchyat of Karkala Taluk in Udupi District. When the Bethany Sisters ventured on their mission in Ajekar, the economic condition of the people was very poor. Christian presence was just emerging. The majority of the people were illiterate. Those listed literates had only Primary education because there was no High school at that time.
Rev Fr Ligoury DSouza, the then Parish Priest of Ajekar, felt the need for a High School for the children of Ajekar. Trusting in God, despite numerous obstacles, he constructed a modest High school building with the generous help of the local people. The Bethany sisters were invited to be in charge of Jyothi High School. Rev Mother Macrina, the Superior General, obtaining permission from the Bishop Most Rev Raymond D’ Mello erected a community on 22nd June 1964 in a rented house with pioneers Sr Honoratha as Superior, Sr Potence and Sr Bertilla as the members. Sr Noreen the Regional Superior was present on this occasion.
The children were economically poor and could not go to Karkal to continue their Studies. The dire need of the time was to have job oriented education. So in the year 1972 Jyothi School of Commerce was started with typewriting, Shorthand courses, tailoring and embroidery classes. Their project was funded by Misereor Germany. The attraction for the technical studies slowly diminished in the early 1990 onwards when Fashion Designing and advanced technical institutions began to flourish in Nitte and Karkal.
Out of 22 acres, 10 acres of land is utilized for cultivation of paddy, vegetables, areca nut, coconut etc…. The compound yields a lot of fruits like mangoes, bananas, sapotas and papaya. The sisters of the Province have happy memories of relishing these fruits whenever they came for rest and relaxation. In 2004 the sisters have undertaken a new project of rubber plantation which is a source of income today to the Congregation.
The sisters are also involved in the pastoral activities in the parish viz.., teaching catechism, motivating Christian life communities, visiting the houses and praying with people and organizing women
Jyothi High School was only School which was known for its excellence in education catering to the educational needs of 10 villages of Hebri and Karkala Taluk. As a result of the untiring selfless services of our sisters the students’ strength of the school was around 800 until 1980. Due to the opening of 5 Government High schools in the nearby villages, the strength of the students started decreasing. God has blessed during the Golden Jubilee year with the increased strength of students once again to 215. The credit goes to the enthusiastic Headmistress Sr M Reena BS and the dedicated staff with the support of the vast band of old students of the Institution. The year 2014 is a land mark to the sisters of St Xaviers Convent and Jyothi High School as they celebrated the Golden Jubilee.
Jyothi Mahila Mandal was started in 1992 and ever since it has continued with much enthusiasm and interest. The self help groups were initiated in 2006 and they function well even today.
In moments of ups and downs the community was successfully steered by the generous and selfless services of the superiors and the Headmistress of Jyothi High School, Ajekar.
A new feather is added to the cap of Jyothi High School as “Jyothi Pre University College” was opened in the year 2010. The college began with 39 students and Sr Sadhana was the pioneer Principal of the College. The College is grown in number and merit. As it receives 100% result in consecutive years, in a short period of time the strength of the college has shot up from 39 to 237.
Opening of a Hostel for girls in the campus is a support to increase the students’ strength in the school. There are 22 girls in the Hostel at present, introducing BLA in the Golden year, is a witness to the extension of our mission after the example of St Francis Xavier, the great missionary of the Church.
Year of Establishment : 22.06.1964