Sr M Sunil BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Teaching Catechism

Educational ministry

Orientation Programme for Students
Pompei Convent Kinnikamba has an interesting history behind it. With the intention of raising the Pompei Primary School to higher primary status Rev. Fr John S. T. Rodrigues requested Rev. Mother Macrina, the Superior General, to assign a few Sisters to teach there. Her response was that two Sisters would be assigned to his school provided that there would be two vocations from his parish to the Bethany Congregation. Rev. Fr John S. T. Rodrigues accepted the challenge knowing fully well that not a single girl from his parish had ever sought admission into the Bethany Congregation despite the fact that the nearby Rosa Mystica Convent had been in existence for almost thirty years. The first two girls from the parish who joined Bethany Congregation in 1960 were Sr Marjorie and Sr Dulcis.
Since the convent is located in the heart of the church campus, the Sisters are very much involved in all parish activities. Among other things, they assist the pastor by teaching Christian Doctrine, preparing children for the sacraments and fostering pious associations in the parish. Small Christian Community Meetings, family visits, teaching catechism, helping in the church, preparing the children for First Communion, Girls Sodality of Blessed Virgin Mary, altar boys, attending Catholic Sabah Meetings, Legion of Mary, Pastoral Council and visiting the bereaved families.
Their main apostolate of education was backed up by the dynamic leadership of Superiors and Headmistresses. At present only one sister is teaching in the school. Sr Agnesia as a resource person goes to various parishes, schools and institutions to address on social related issues. Her knowledge and expertise in social apostolate and interest in herbal medicine has made her to write a useful book ‘Amrit thujjya hathi’.
Year of Establishment : 01-01-1965