Sr M Reena BS

Members of the Community

Affiliated members of the Community

Convent building

Pastroal ministry

Social Work
Humnabad is a small town in the northern part of Karnataka in Bidar District deprived of quality education. Though there are many prestigious institutions, only the richer classes can afford such education due to the demand for high donations. The existing English medium schools lack proficiency. The girls in the surrounding villages discontinue their education due to poverty. In order to provide job opportunities for the rural youth and to improve their educational standards, the mission team of Bidar and the members of Seva Ashram Bethany community informed Sr Christella, the Provincial Superior, about the need of our service in Humnabad.
The community was erected on 12th November 2001 at 5.00 pm with the Holy Eucharist officiated by Most Rev. Dr Aloysius Paul D Souza, the Bishop of Mangalore. The pioneer sisters were Sr Lucian, Sr Florita and Sr Fidelis. The canonical erection of the community took place on 5th June, 2003. Sr Lillis, the Assistant Superior General, along with Sr Inviolata, the Provincial Superior were present for the programme. Shanthi Kiran Technical School was informally blessed by Very Rev Fr Robert Miranda, the Episcopal Vicar of Bidar Mission, on 27th June 2003, on the feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus. Sr Agnesia was the first superior.
Sr Anna Maria took over as Superior and directress on 30th June 2004 and started a Residential School for girls in July 2005. There are thirty students resident trainees in every batch. Sr Florita was the Principal of Shanthi Kiran Technical Institute in 2005. The Centre is accredited to the National Institute of Open School New Delhi in August 2005. Along with the Superior the sisters render full time service in the school as well as in the parish teaching catechism, conducting liturgy, involving themselves in the social work activities conducted by ORBIT, participating in Diocesan faith formation, youth ministry and women developmental programs.
All the Superiors who served the Convent:
Sr Agnesia 2003 – 2004
Sr Anna Maria 2004 - 2010
Sr M Flavia Wilma 2010 – 2013
Sr M Reena DSouza 2013 -
Present Superior: Sr M Reena DSouza BS
Year of Establishment :12.11.2001