Sr M Regina D'Souza BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Educational Ministry
The 32nd community of Mangalore Province was erected on 15.07.2017 at Hebbal (K) in Yadgiri District. Hebbal (K) is a small village in Shorapur Taluk in Yadgir District of Karnataka State. It comes under Hebbal (K) Panchayath. It belongs to Gulbarga Diocese. It is located 70 KM towards west from District headquarters Yadgir and 473 KM from State capital Bangalore. In the year 2015 Most Rev Dr Robert M Miranda the Bishop of Gulbarga diocese had invited Bethany sisters to cater to the needs of the poor and the marginalized through education. Accordingly Sr Edmund and Sr Prema Gonsalves were sent to undertake educational apostolate. They lived in a small school building enduring gladly the inconveniences of life. Deprived of basic necessities they were totally launched into the mission. Sr Prema went to the villages to assist the students as they boarded the vehicle and Sr Edmund efficiently managed St Alphonsa Primary school. The Inauguration and Blessing of Bethany Convent was held on 15.07.2017 to mark the 96th Birthday of Bethany. This community is the 181st community of the Congregation and the 32nd of the Province. Rev Dr Robert M Miranda the Bishop of Gulbarga diocese along with Fr Vincent Pereira, Secretary GDES, priests and sisters of neighboring villages arrived Hebbal (K) at 10 am on 15th July 2017. The Sisters welcomed the dignitaries of the day Rev Dr Robert M Miranda the Bishop of Gulbarga diocese and Sr Cicilia Mendonca, the Provincial Superior of Mangalore Province and guests of honor. Provincial Superior unveiled the plaque and inaugurated the new convent building. This was followed by Eucharistic celebration and the blessing by the Bishop of Gulbarga diocese. Eleven priests of the diocese were present for the celebration. Quoting the day’s reading Bishop exhorted to have strong faith in Jesus and to experience His shepherding care day by day. He blessed the house, crucifix, altar and the tabernacle. Provincial Superior read the decree of the Superior General which said Sr M Regina BS – Superior, Sr M Edmund BS & Sr M Amala BS are the members. They were congratulated by all and wished well in the new place. Immediately after the Eucharistic celebration the new school building St Alphonsa Primary school was inaugurated. A short stage program was put up to honour the dignitaries. Thus the long cherished dream of having a community was realized and gratefully spent time in thanking God for the gift of Bethany.