Bethany Convent Bhiloda is located in the campus of St Xavier’s School, Mankroda Bhiloda. A part of St Xavier’s Girl’s Hostel building was given by the Jesuits- Gujarat Province to Bethany Sisters Residence. Sisters collaborate with them in Educational (English Medium), Hostel and Pastoral apostolate.
June 2015 to 2018 May, Sr Therese Sequeira and Sr Jyoti Lakra were rendering service at Bhiloda collaborating with the Fathers of the Society of Jesus in Educational (English Medium) and Hostel apostolate. Since 2018 June three sisters render service in the school and as hostel warden..
The Canonical erection of the community took place on Saturday 2 March2019. The Blessing and the erection of the new community was held at Bhiloda, Gujarat at 9.00am. Sr Cicilia Mendonca BS the Provincial Superior of Mangalore Province unveiled the plaque. Sr Lilitta, the General Councillor, the Delegate of the Superior General inaugurated the Convent building. Archbishop Most Rev Dr Thomas Macwan of Gandhinagar Archdiocese blessed the convent building and prayed over it. Provincial Councilors along with the Procurator of the Province, Bethany Sisters from Vadgam Community, Fathers of the Society of Jesus and the hostel children along with the hostel wardens were present on the occasion. The Eucharistic celebration was held at Catholic Church, Bhiloda at 10.30am.
On 3rd June 4, 2022 Sr Sharmila was installed as the new Superior of the Convent. At present Sisters of the community are involved in Educational Apostolate, residential English medium school, Hostel and Pastoral Ministry.
Year of establishment: 02.03.2019
