Sr M Severine Pinto BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Little Way Association
Every story has its beginning. Holy Cross Convent Dharmanagar too has its own story to tell. The inspiration came from Most Rev Lumen Montiero, Bishop of Agartala in Tripura State who had given permission to have an independent mission. The inspiration was reflected upon by the Provincial Superior in the Council and the process had been taken up. It was during this juncture, the people of Dharmanagar were on the lookout for an English Medium School. Dharmanagar is a small town in Tripura. It is a business centre because of the access to the railway station.
Mr Purnendu Chakraborty a local well wisher was instrumental in locating the required land for the purpose of the School. He was also generous in accommodating the School and sisters in his land. On 9 January 1999 the community was canonically erected with Sr Gretta D’souza Superior of the newly formed community and Sr. Janet Mendonca and Sr Shylaja as members. On 11 February 1999 the new School was started. On 17 January 2000 the students were shifted to a make shift thatched School structure in Sakaibari, the present location.
27 Sept. 2001 was a red letter day in the history of the Holy Cross Convent Dharmanagar. On that day the temporary convent was blessed by the Bishop of Agartala and inaugurated by Sr Canisia the Provincial Superior.
On 30 March, 2005 the newly constructed School building was blessed by Most Rev Lumen Monteiro Bishop of Agartala. Sr Noeline the Asst Provincial Superior inaugurated it.
The Sisters had to face a lot of hurdles and struggles in the initial stages. They courageously braved all the storms and remained firm and continued the mission. Sr Gretta was replaced by Sr Eva, Sr Cleopha, Sr Titus and Sr Leena Miranda. At present Sr Severine Pinto carries on the mission with dauntless courage and zeal. Meanwhile, the pressing need of educating the tribal girls from the far away villages was realized by opening a hostel for tribal girls in the year 2008.
In 2012 the new convent building was blessed and inaugurated. The Ground floor is occupied by the sisters and the first floor by the hostellers.
The mission begun by our sisters is continued by the successors. We pray that it may grow to be a tree with many branches spread all over our mission to be benefitted by the poor and the needy.
Year of establishment: 11.02.1999