Sr M Reshma BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Educational ministry

Nursing care
On 14 June 2001, came an invitation from the Congregation of the Capuchin Fathers, to collaborate with them in the mission at Mamit. Rev Sr Canisia the Provincial Superior of North East Province sent Sr Christita and Sr Irene Therese to Mamit. This is 100 kms away from Aizawl, Capital of Mizoram. They were welcomed and received in to the parish community by the residential priests Frs Alban and Joel as well as the leaders and the parishners. They rented a typical Mizo house for their stay. This was an extension of Mary Mount Community Aizawl.
Sisters through their Educational ministry taught in St. Francis of Assisi Primary School, run by the Capuchin Fathers. They also visited the families and prepared the children for the reception of the sacraments.
On 6 April 2002, a plot of land was procured by the Province. On 21 July 2002, Bethany Social Welfare Centre was blessed by Fr. Joel in a rented house. This was for the care of Drug abusers and victims of HIV and AIDS victims under MSACS project.
The foundation stone for Middle and High School was laid on 9 February 2003. A newly built English Medium School building, a unit of BES was blessed and inaugurated on 23 April 2003. The community was canonically erected on 4 March 2003 with Sr Christitta as Superior and Sr Lucy Vanlalnghaki and Sr Lucy Uchoi, as members.
Sr Christita after her selfless and dedicated service for 5 years as Superior and Headmistress handed over the charge to late Sr Primiot. The first batch of Class X students brought cent percent results with distinction. This was indeed a great achievement.
The Government had leased out 5 acres of land at Ngarpet Veng of Mamit for the developmental works of the Church. 2 acres out this were to be allotted to the Bethany Congregation. Accordingly, the plot of land was demarcated, leveled and the foundation for National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) was laid. On completion of the construction of the building on 18 January 2009 Sr Valsala and the Social Welfare Society moved into the new building.
The untimely death of Sr Valsala on 19 September 2009, was a shocking news to all. She was actively involved in various ministries especially de-addiction and rehabilitation of drug addicts.
St Francis of Assisi High School was doing very well in academics and extra-curricular activities under the leadership of Sr Primiot. Suddenly Sr Primiot took ill with cirrhosis of the lever and was treated at Guwahati. As the illness was very serious she passed away on 29 August 2010.
After the sudden and untimely demise of Sr Primiot, Sr Therese Zothanpari took over as the Superior of the community. The High School was shifted from Bazar Veng to Ngarpet Veng for better facilities. After this the entire school building was used for the Social Welfare activities under the leadership of Sr Therese Zothanpari. She was also the Chairperson of the Child Welfare commission.
From 19 June 2016 Sr Reshma is appointed superior of the community. The different activities that the community is involved in are:
1. Teaching in St Francis of Assisi primary School run by Capuchin fathers
2. Bethany Social Welfare Society –under MSACS project as Project Director and Nurse.
3. taking care of the drug addicts, HIV and AIDS victims, by outreach programmes, counseling and treating symptomatic illnesses.
4. Pastoral care of the parishners.
Year of establishment: 04.03.2003