Sr Hermina BS

Bethany Convent, Vadakangulam Tamil Nadu :2021- 2022

Sr M Shoba Joseph BS

Sr M Elsy BS

Members of the Community

Convent Building

Medical Ministry

A Seed that has Sown on 1921 in the Soil of Mangalore, Bendur has grown withstanding all the trials and new shoots has been added to this little plant to make it stronger and beautiful. The shoots spread its wings far and wide to give shelter to many, to uplift the needy. In 1970 a new sapling was planted in the soil of Tamil Nadu, Vadakkangulam in Tuticorin Diocese. The inhabitants of Vadakkangulam were poor, ignorant, illiterate and most of them were Hindus. After the arrival of St. Francis Xavier many of them became Christians. At that time many of them were suffering from different maladies and apart from this they also suffered poverty, and illiteracy. There was lot of caste discrimination in the Parish and the Dalits were oppressed by the upper land owners.
In 1968 Fr. Maria Gnanam the then Parish Priest of Vadakkangulam requested Mother Macrina to send sisters to his Parish. At the request of Father, Mother Macrina arrived at Vadakkangulam with five sisters on July 27 1970.- the Pioneering members were Sr. Philomen (Superior), Sr. Hope (Staff Nurse), Sr. Marisa, Sr.Fides, and Sr. Joanita. The main concerns of the sisters were Medical Care for the needy. The sisters were enthusiastic and dedicated to fulfill the mission of God entrusted to them. In 1971 the responsibility of the Hospital was taken by Dr.Sr.Lillian. In the beginning they stayed in the rented House and in 1976 Bishop D. Ambrose gave the ‘Tiburshiana’ building owned by Diocese for the sisters to live in. The sisters changed their residence to this building from the rented house. Besides 2.89 acres of land consisting of this building was given to the sisters on contract together with 7.36 acres of land to ensure financial stability of the Hospital and cultivation. In the absence of rain the cultivation becomes very difficult in this area.
Within a short time under the initiate of Bethany, a Hospital Building with 15 beds was constructed and they even undertook surgeries in the hospital. Mother and Child Health Programme was started in 1975and an ambulance was bought with the help of some foreign aid to bring patients to the Hospital. As the sisters were Cordial and helpful, the natives loved and respected them. In 1978 more facilities were added to the hospital to undertake surgeries and to offer better treatment. The fame of the hospital spread far and wide with their concerted efforts.
After 15 years of her dedicated service in Tamil Nadu, Sr. Lillian moved off to Mangalore Province on 30th August 1986, as the Mangalore Province needed her services. Under these circumstances the responsibility of Sr. Hope doubled and the routine activities like visiting the families and visiting the sick were badly affected. The functioning of the hospital also slackened in the absence of Doctors. For 7 years from 1986 to 1992 the conditions at the hospital were not satisfying, although a few number of Doctors worked temporally. Adding fuel to this there was scarcity of water and rain. After 18 years of service Sr.Hope transferred to Mangalore and Sr. Ena took over the responsibility.
In 1988 serious discussions were held in Mangalore regarding the future of the hospital after studying its deplorable conditions. The question was whether to continue or not. The two member committee consisting Sr. Ann Tresa the General Councilor and Sr. Theresild the Provincial Superior was appointed by the superior General to submit a report after a serious study. The members of the convent got winds of their visit and were virtually upset and strongly opined to continue the work of the hospital withstanding all odds. The challenging question raised by the community “when the people of the locality live coping with the adverse situations, why can’t we? Forced the committee to reconsider the decision.
After Sr.Ena, Sr.Ann Maria took the charge as Superior and Administrator. Both of them worked with one heart and mind. They toiled to bring the presence of the hospital alive again. In 1992 Dr.Sr.Jessy Sequeira took charge as the Medical Officer after completing her DGO course. The return of Sr.Jessy, the change in the climate, availability of rain and water improved the condition. Gradually the hospital began to regain its lost glory. In 1995 the convent and the hospital celebrated its Silver jubilee. As the services of the hospital increased, there was great progress in the hospital. Many Patients began to visit the hospital and there were now more facilities, equipments, and buildings. In 1998 a new Convent building was blessed and sisters shifted their residence from Tiburshiana to the new building. Tiburshiana is given as a hostel for the staff. Today the Community has flourished because of the hard labor of our past Superiors Sr.Ena, Sr.Ann Maria, Sr.Rosalia, Sr.Hermina and at present Sr. Elsy Thomas. Since the Tiburshiana building was collapsed we demolished it and a new building is under construction.
Today the Hospital is equipped with an OPD Block, Operation Theatre, conference Hall, Emergency Ward, and Residential Facilities like Hostel building for the Doctors and Staff, X- ray room, ECG, ICU, Ultra Sound Scan well equipped Laboratory and Other modern facilities. In short, the hospital has become self sufficient. There are 60 staff, 4 resident doctors, 15 visiting doctors, and 50 beds.
Apart from the Hospital service sisters involve themselves in Palliative care and Counseling for the bed ridden patients and terminally ill patients. Sr.Rani Maria is actively involved in Social Work, particularly in Child Empowerment activities through Neighborhood Community Network (NCN) Nagarcoil, animating the children’s Parliament, Promoting and Guiding the Child Empowerment Programme. They also make their presence alive through regular family visits and parish activities. The People value the presence of the sisters and appreciate their loving Services in the Parish and neighboring villages.
Year of establishment -29.07.1970