Sr M Jaysheela BS

Stella Maris Convent, Puthenthope 2021-2022

Sr M Beena Alphonsa BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Legion of Mary - Puthenthope

Nursery - Puthenthope
General information – The convent building was construed in the year 1972 and owns 1 Acre 80 cents donated by diocese.In the initial years sisters started teaching in the parish L.P school and carried on pastoral apostate. Without much long, the sisters also started giving training in typing, tailoring, and home sciences which were a boon to the people.
Present involvement- In the year 2008 Pain and palliative care unit was started by Sr. Jose Therese and is continued.
Education apostolate – One community member teaches in the diocesan school. A nursery school is attached to the convent where little kids are cared by a sister
Social apostolate: Free tuition is given to the poor students in the locality by sisters. Spoken English is also taught to the people on request.
Pastoral apostolate: Animation of B.C.C Units-There is 26 units animated by sisters. They do it by regular house visits, counselling, and praying with them. They also prepare the first communicants. They teach catechism, church duty, attending funeral mass and praying for the departed souls in their families. Sisters also animatepious associations.
B.L.A – Bethany Lay association is active at PuthenthopeParish. They gather monthly and also actively participate in Bethany feast. Their activities include visiting the sick and performing other works of mercy
Conclusion: It is noted that people are very pious and prayerful and have devotions to saints and our Lady in special. The whole village awake in the morning reciting the Holy Rosary. Many of them are working abroad and contribute generously towards any acts of mercy. People are highly educated and most of them are having Government jobs. They have great respect towards priests and religious.
Year of establishment: 29.05. 1971