Sr M Jocelyn BS

Bethany Convent, Thalamukil: 2021- 2022

Sr M Reena Rose BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Altar Boys- Thalamukhil

ECO CLUB- Thalamukhil
Bethany Convent, Thalamukhil is situated in a beautiful place near the North West of the historical lake called Astamudi. According to the vision of Father Founder we render our service to Quilon the first diocese in India. In 1976 we Bethany sisters were in charge of the Fathima Rani Mandir” a little away from Kollam Town. We had to look after the hostelites who were attending the nearby T.K.M engineering college. Nearly four years we were there managing the hostel. Then there came the order that the hostelites should remain in the college hostel and hence we had to close the house and return to Bethany Mother house as higher superiors decided. But Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph G Fernandez the then Bishop of Quilon did not want to send the sisters back to Mangalore and he took the Superior General Sr. Sylvine and Sr. Palma the superior to three parishes where there were no convents. After seeing the three places the superior General and superior chose Thalamukil Parish to begin a convent. The pioneers were Sr. Palma the superior, Sr. Sedas, Sr. Sebastian, Sr. Annie George and Sr. Lenita.
The main focus of our mission was to fulfil the dream of our founder to give education to the poor children in the rural area. To fulfil this dream we ventured in to the mission of teaching in the diocesan school, called St. Augustine L.P School in the parish. The desire of serving the people grew strong and sisters saw the emerging need to teach the little children. On 2nd August 1982 a nursery school started adjacent to St. Augustine L.P School and Sr. Daya was given in charge to teach. Since the area was located in rural place the younger girls were given the opportunity to learn “ Tailoring” in the afternoon. At present these both discontinued due to lack of children and now we are given importance to pastoral and education apostolate.
Sr. Deepa and Sr. Reena Rose go to the school to teach and Srs. Michael, Sr. Sophiemaria are in the community they do the pastoral ministry serving the Lord.
The founders desire was to have “the Gospel preached to the poor (Lk 4:18). Through the Pastoral apostolate we give importance to inculcate the Christian virtues, faith formation, teaching catechism, reception of sacraments, moral and Christian values, visiting the families and to be with the sick and old. Our parish consists of 700 families and 22 B.C. C units. Sisters are animating the B. C.C units and other pious associations such as altar boys, thirubalasakhyam, Jesus youth, C.L.C, Charismatic prayer group etc. The BLA group functions very actively in the locality.
“How beautiful are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news” (Is 52: 7). Being the joyful witnesses of the gospel we share the compassionate love of God through all our activities. We thank our God for giving us an opportunity to partake in the mission of Christ for whom we have committed our life.
Year of establishment -31.05.1985