
Sr Nirmal Joy BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Tailoring - Thavam

A long cherished dream of Bethany Congregation to start a convent in Chirrackel Mission, which was part of a Kozhikode Diocese. Sr.Thersild The then provincial superior met the Bishop of Calicut Most Rev. Maxwell Noronha with this proposal, the bishop agreed to offer 42 cents of land for the convent and teaching post for sisters in the ADLP school accordingly on 1st October 1986, two pioneering sisters Sr.Michael and Sr.Nirmal Joy started teaching career, Sr.Juliana and Sr.Baptist engaged in pastoral activity residing in the Canossian convent about 6km away from Thavam.
The foundation stone for the convent building was laid on 4th April 1988 by Msgr. J B Rodriguez.1989 sisters moved to the convent building in the parish of Our Lady of Fatima church Thavam. This house was opened in this particular area with view of strengthening their faith in Christ and to teach Christ values because they were converted Christians by the effort of Chirackel missionaries late Fr Peter Caroni SJ and Fr Taffarel SJ.
Superior of our convent from 1986- 2016
1986 -1990 - Sr Micheal
1990 -1992 -Sr Camilla
1992 -1993 -Sr Sedes
1993 -1996 -Sr Rose Marie
1996 -1999 -Sr Shanthini
1999 - 2002 - Sr De sales
2002 -2005 -Sr Mariella
2005 - 2008 - Sr Daya
2008 - 2014 - Sr Sophy Maria
2014- -Sr Mariella
The ministries that we undertake by our community
We have Bethany nursery school of LKG and UKG nearly 45 children and a Tailoring institute having 15 trainees. We are actively engaged in the pastoral, social, Educational field. we teach catechism ,prepare the children and adults foe the reception of the sacraments, attend the BCC prayers in 16 units animate pious associations like Mathru vedi, prithu vedi,CLC ,KCYM, Altar boys association , self help groups, VBS, Bethany champions , BLA
Year of establishment -21.11.1986