Sr Pierine

Sr M Sylvie BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Love for the Manual Labour

Non formal Education

Pastroral Ministry

Teaching Catechism

Educational Ministry

Kripalaya is situated in Nirmal Nagar, adjacent to Baracotri Bridge in the city of Dharwad near ‘Our Lady of Perpetual Succor’ Parish Church in the Diocese of Belgaum. It is in the vicinity of Karnataka University. Kripalaya was inaugurated on 25 March 1997, by the then Bishop of Belgaum Rt. Rev. Bernard Moras. Kripalaya which means, ‘House of Grace’ was canonically established on 1 July 1997 with three pioneering members: Sr Rose Celine, as the Superior and Tertian Directress, Sr Sneha as her Assistant and Sr Antonette and Sr Vincenza in-charge of house management. The main purpose of this convent was Formation.
The quiet and peaceful atmosphere of Dharwad was conducive for formation. After the establishment of this house of formation, seminars were conducted and short courses were held for the 1st year Junior Sisters too. From July 1997 to April 2002, the tertiate programme of the Congregation was held at Kripalaya and the tertians were given integrated formation and training to prepare themselves for perpetual profession. The transfer of Tertiate from Rosa Mystica, Kinnikambla to Kripalaya, Dharwad provided ample opportunities for the sisters to take up many responsibilities in the house, in the Parish and in the neighbourhood. Later it was thought to have the tertiate programme in the Motherhouse, Mangalore because of better facilities. Hence a new community was formed at Kripalaya by Sr Bonita, the then Provincial Superior of Bangalore Province, and Sr Agnes took charge as the Superior. Other members of the community were: Sr Cynthia, Sr Eucharia, Sr Noel and a student sister, Sr Gracy Gamjya who was pursuing her B.Ed in Hindi. They continued the pastoral ministry, regularly visited the slums, prison and worked for the empowerment of the women in the locality. After a term of three years Sr Agnes was transferred and Sr Elizabeth succeeded her as Superior. During her tenure the initial stage of formation programme was introduced, summer vocation camps were held and three months’ juniorate programme was resumed.
The bifurcation of Bangalore Province took place in May 2006 and the new Western Province chose Kripalaya as its Provincial house. Sr Rose Ann was appointed, the First Provincial Superior and Kripalaya became the headquarters of the Western Province. During the first year of her tenure Pre–Novitiate programme was held at Kripalaya. In the year 2014 the Provincialate was shifted to the newly constructed ‘Maria Nivas’ building. Hence Sr. Roman was appointed as the local superior of Kripalaya and the ‘Come and See’ programme for the candidates was held while the student sisters continued their college studies. Currently Sr Sylvie is the Superior and Sr Conceptia, Sr Noella, Sr Elvina and Sr Sheetal are the members. At Kripalaya Sr Sylvie and her community have the pleasant task of keeping the torch burning that was set ablaze, by their pious pioneers. May their zeal and spirit of sacrifice pave the way to keep the mission going, in season and out of season.
Year of establishment: 25.03. 1997