Sr.Sandra Fernandes BS

Sr M Sandra Fernandes BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Tuition Classes

Pastoral ministry

Teaching Catechism

Educational apostolate

Pastroral ministry

Quepem was the site of the first Bethany community to open a house in the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman. Three sisters with Sr Clarence as superior took up residence at Mr Alban Barretto’s house which served as a convent for sisters to live happily, with regular studies, prayer and pastoral work from 7 June 1969 to 6 March 1977. Two of them began teaching in the Diocesan school. They were also called upon to help the Pastor in various ways. The following year, two more Bethany Sisters joined the staff of the School. The school was multipurpose in character with a “Boys Town” attached to it. The sisters were encouraged by Fr Edwine D’ Souza and Fr Pascoal Lobo, the Parish Priest, to start a boarding for girls in one part of their residence. Sisters started teaching in Pope John XXIII High School. They also served in the Boys’ town taking care of the food, clothing and cleanliness and minding the studies of the poor orphan boys. Later, they started tailoring and embroidery classes for girls in the convent. After a few years, the boarding was closed down. The convent offered the facilities to the less fortunate girls for their studies and accommodation. It is gratifying to know that a few girls were able to see God’s hand leading them towards religious life. At present sisters continue to teach in the school. Besides teaching, sisters are actively involved in pastoral work such as preparing for sacraments, teaching catechism, visiting families and attending SCC meetings. People are happy with the presence of the sisters in the parish and offer them support in all their needs. The convent also serves as the house of formation for the student candidates.
Year of establishment: 06.06.1969