Sr Juliana Mary BS

Sr M Monthi BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Educational ministry

The Arabian Sea on the west coast of India has always been an attraction to navigators and sailors. The Catholic Church in Goa and in Karnataka had its beginning on this coastline on which shore, Ankola, a beach, has drawn many businessmen and industrialists. About the year 1986, a few local leaders under the leadership of Mr Arun Nadkarni, the then President of Youth Congress, approached the Bishop of Karwar to open a school and facilitate the education of their children. The Bishop who was interested in the progress and development of Ankola accepted the invitation. The Bishop recommended to Mother Sylvine, the then Superior General, who requested Sr Dymphna, the then Provincial Superior of Bangalore, to negotiate with the concerned people at Ankola on terms and conditions of having a convent there. Later, the house was opened in a rented building at Honnikeri on 03.07.1987. The Bishop of Karwar, Most Rev. William D’Mello blessed the convent. Sr Agnella, and the first members of the community, viz Sr Lynette, Sr Jerosa and Sr Smitha were present for the inauguration. The sisters began their pastoral and social ministry with great earnestness. On 31.05.1991 the sisters moved to Mr Idulkar’s rented building and the school was also shifted to the Samiti Building in front of the court. The members were happy to have the Blessed Sacrament reserved in their convent chapel on 21.09.1991.
In 1993, the Bishop purchased 1.5 acres of land for the school and 10 guntas for the Convent from Mr Godhe. The Diocesan new school building was blessed and inaugurated by the Bishop on 10.09.1995. It was named as Nirmala Hridaya School. Nirmala Hridaya Higher Primary school was upgraded to High School in 1994. Sr Susheela was the first Headmistress of the High School. The sisters were actively involved in the educational apostolate. The students progressed in all spheres and the parents and the public were happy at the presence of the sisters. Sr Romula joined the community in 1988. Together with her services in the house she also visited families which needed pastoral care in the Parish. She was recognized as a missionary. She spent her time either in the Chapel or visiting the needy particularly the widows, the aged and sick. The Lord was pleased to accept her labor of love and dear Sr Romula breathed her last on 09.08.2001.
Impact: The presence of sisters had its impact in Ankola. The Bishop was quite happy with their mission. He said that they have won the hearts of the people in spite of difficulties and hardships. The values of love compassion and peace of Christ were shared generously by them with people staff and students. He thanked God that his purpose was fulfilled in bringing them to Ankola.
Year of establishment : 2.07.1987