
Sr M Joyce BS

Members of the Community

Convent and School building

Teaching Catechism

Educational apostolate

Youth ministry

Pastroral ministry
Though Bethany had pioneered so many of the missions in the Diocese of Belgaum from 1945, no convent was established in Belgaum city. The sisters going to the communities in the villages had to depend on other religious institutes. It was the long cherished desire of Bethany to have a transit house in Belgaum city. In the year 1991, Rt. Rev. Ignatius Lobo, the then Bishop of Belgaum was looking for a Congregation to run St. Antony’s Kannada Medium Primary School which was earlier a Tamil Medium School. The school catered to the poorest of the poor and the standard of the school was low. The Congregation accepted the offer to run the school realizing that Fr Founder who gave life for the poor of the Belgaum mission would want Bethany to embrace these marginalized section of the society. In 1991 when Sr Dymphna was the Provincial Superior, Sr Alicia was appointed as the Headmistress of St Antony’s school. She stayed with the Cannosian Sisters, at St Joseph Convent. In the year 1993 Sr Philomene Gonsalves too joined this School as teacher. In 1994, the Sisters shifted to the rented house. The house was blessed on June 1, 1994 by Msgr Everest Mascarenhas. Sr Agnes took charge as the Superior and Sr Alicia and Sr Philomene were members. That was the beginning of Bethany Convent in Belgaum. Meanwhile the Convent was shifted to the Church campus on Dec 4, 1994.
At present the Sisters have their residence on the top floor of the new school building which was put up and blessed by Bishop Bernard Moras in the year 2002. The sisters ably managed the newly started St. Antony’s High School and are looking after the poor children of the school with great affection and dedication. They engage themselves in various parish activities and visit the students’ families, coach the weak children, teach Catechism, prepare the children and adults for sacraments and attend regularly small Christian Community meetings.
Superiors: Sr Agnes (1994-1997)
Sr Reema (1997-2003)
Sr Divya (2003-2009)
Sr Luciani (2009-2015)
Sr Joyce (2015…
Special Services:
In the year 1997 Sr. Praveen joined the community to render social service in collaboration with Belgaum Diocesan Social Work Centre
Sr Betty has served as secretary to the Bishop of Belgaum from 01.06.1999
Sr Pacifica was appointed as Directress of the Susandesh Kendra of the Belgaum Diocese and is actively engaged in pastoral activities.
Year of establishment: 01.06.1994