Sr. Flavia D'Souza BS

Sr M Flavia BS

Members of the Community

Convent building

Educational ministry

Pastroral ministry

Legion of Mary

Goa is ‘A little star of the East’ is noted for its scenic beauty, filled with mountains bowing with green trees on their crest, beaches, valleys, rivers etc. While travelling in Goa around southwest tip that’s the last village on Goa map is Loliem. Both Hindus and Catholics live here in complete harmony with each other. They celebrate and take part in the functions of one another with love and brotherhood. The linking bond is the spoken language ‘Konkani’.
Loliem is a rural remote village on the southernmost part of Goa State in the Taluka of Canacona. On June 4, 1998 Bethany Sisters pitched their tent in the Parish of St Sebastian’s Church Loliem in the house of a devout catholic family of Mr Gregory Fernandes and Mrs Christina Fernandes of Khandlem, Agoswado. This was the 128th house of the Congregation and was pioneered by Sr Lucy Felcy, the Headmistress, Sr Rita D’mello, the Superior, and Sr Clarina and Sr Helmina, the members, who were actively involved in pastoral ministry in the Parish. The presence of Bethany Sisters brought a ray of hope to the people of Loliem village and especially to the Catholic community.
Late Rev. Sr Lucy Felcy was an instrument in the hands of the Almighty God, to pitch Bethany in Loliem, in-order to rekindle the faith of his flock and to revive the status of St Sebastian’s High School which was on the verge of extinction. This led to the transfer of educational management from Goodwill Educational Society (G.E.S) to Bethany Educational Society (B.E.S.) on June 4, 1998. In the interest of Catholic children and their education Archbishop Patriarch Rt Rev. Dr Raul N Gonsalves permitted the Bethany sisters to work in Loliem. Pioneers Sr Clarina, Sr Helmina and others have spent their time, energy and talents in building youth groups, various associations like Legion of Mary, Intercessory Groups, Charismatic Groups, Catechetical activities in the parish and adult catechesis. Sisters were always sought for animation, guidance and ministry.
A piece of 1000 sq. mt. Church land was leased out for 99 years to ‘The Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany’ and so the Bethany Convent building was constructed and was canonically erected at Loliem on July 12, 2004 during the tenure of Holy Cross Fathers with Fr Ronald Serrao the Parish Priest. The oratory and the residence was blessed and inaugurated at 4.00 p.m. on July 12, 2004 by the Auxiliary Bishop of Goa and Daman Rt Rev. Philip Neri Ferrao, in the presence of Parish Priest Fr Ronald Serrao CSC, Superior General Sr Jyoti, Provincial Superior Sr Bonita, Superior of the Convent Sr Clarina, Sisters of the Community Sr Ernestine, Sr Flavia D’Souza, Sr Gracilla and Sr Antonette and other sisters and priests of the Deanery.
1.Sr Rita D’Mello (04.06.1998 - 09.12.1998)
2.Sr Clarina Gonsalves (09.12.1998 - 31.05.2005)
3.Sr Sheela B.S. (01.06.2005 - 31.05.2011)
4.Sr Dominic Savio (01.06.2011 to 2017)
Sr Flavia is the present superior. Sisters in Loliem are involved in educational and pastoral ministries. At present 4 sisters are involved in the school. As the rains which water the earth does not return unless it bears fruit so also Bethany Congregation and its members’ response to God’s call. Hence Loliem is bubbling with joy and gratitude for the services of the Sisters since its inception. Today the face of Loliem village has changed with the increase in strength of students and their excellent performance with 100% results in SSC Examination year after year, has brought laurels to the school and the village.
Year of establishment : 12.07.2004