Sr M Christine BS - Procurator General

Sr Christine BS Procurator General and her team Sr Fabiola BS and Sr Precilla BS
Province Procurators :

Sr M Lizzie BS Mangalore Province

Sr M Therese BS Bangalore Province

Sr M Sneha BS Bangalore Province

Sr M Vijay BS Southern Province

Sr M Gracy BS Northern Province

Sr M Carmine BS North East Province

Sr M Monthi BS Eastern Province

Sr M Ilene BS Delegation Abroad
Temporal Administration:
“From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded”(Luke 12:48b)
Our Book of Constitution Article 274 states; that the primary purpose of our temporal goods is apostolic activities and works of charity, especially towards the needy.
We draw inspiration by the transparent, austere and faith filled life lived by our Founder Mgr. Raymond F C Mascarenhas and the founding members.
We uphold our commitment in the faithful use and wise disposition of the temporal resources placed in our hands. The sacredness of this mission demands that we set our hearts on the Kingdom of God and His righteousness
Deeper reflections and reality assessment by the XVI General Chapter delegates on the temporal affairs of the Congregation re-emphasized greater sense of transparency and accountability. The need of the hour is;to safe guard the assets and invest them optimally in order to achieve the objects of the institute.
Three tier system of governance of temporal goods facilitates the authentic use and judicious dispersal of possessions through annual budget system.
Maintaining of standardized accounts, internal control and check systems safeguard accountability and vigilance. Adhering meticulously to these will surely enhance the members to be credible witnesses of the Gospel.