

Born : 24.12.1941
Entered Bethany : 31.05.1960
First Profession : 04.05.1962
Perpetual Profession : 03.05.1968
Slept in the Lord : 21.05.2021

Sr M Olivia BS (80) of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore, passed away peacefully at 6.30 am on Friday 21st May 2021 at Rosa Mystica Convent, Kinnikambla as the sisters of the community were assisting her with their prayers. She hails from Kinnigoli, Our Lady of Immaculate Conception Church, Mangalore Diocese and is the daughter of the late Xavier Sebastian Sequeira and the late Apoline Sequeira. She has four brothers and three sisters.

Sr Olivia had great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and Blessed Mother. She spent long hours before the Blessed Sacrament. She was prompt to rise early and spend the day in the presence of the Lord drawing divine energy from Him. The celebration of the Eucharist was her breath. She would intercede for the needs of the world and the suffering humanity and especially pray for good death for those who were at the verge of death and had none to pray for. She would never fail to pray for the sinners and the souls in purgatory. She would always seek the protection of her Guardian Angel. On every Thursday she would pray for the priests especially for those working in the mission areas. She was a devotee of St Joseph.

As an efficient teacher she rendered her services at St Xavier’s Convent Ajekar, Santa Cruz Convent Kulshekar, Rosa Mystica Convent Kinnikambla, Maryvale Convent Kinnigoli, and enlightened thousands of students through her life example, compassion and commitment. She was a person of strong will. She possessed the qualities such as love for others, cheerfulness, concern, sensitivity and generosity towards the sisters, the poor and the needy. She was committed and loyal to the Congregation.

From 2020 March onwards her health deteriorated due to age related ailments. She was suffering from diabetes, hypertension and IHD (Ischemic Heart Disease). She was treated at Fr Muller Hospital Kankanady. After some time, as she showed improvement she was brought back to the community. Once again she was admitted to Concetta Hospital, Kinnigoly for medical care in the month of March 2021. On being discharged from the hospital as per her desire to be in the community, she was brought home. Thereafter she was totally confined to bed and was attended by the sisters and care taker for all her needs. As the days passed by, she was preparing herself to meet the Lord and endured her sufferings silently and offered them to the Lord. The visit of her her family members brought her comfort.

The Superior General along with her team and the Provincial Superior visited her during her illness and gave her moral support. She was given the sacrament of anointing of the sick and spiritual assistance. She was continuously taken care by Sr Juliana Monis, the Superior and the sisters of the community with great compassion and love.

I extend my sincere condolences to Sr Cicilia Mendonca, the Provincial Superior and team, Sr Juliana Monis, the Superior and the Sisters of Rosa Mystica community Kinnikambla for taking care of her lovingly.

The funeral will be held at Rosa Mystica Convent Kinnikambla, on Friday 21st May 2021 at 03.30 pm.

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace!


Sr Rose Celine BS
Superior General

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