

 Born : 20.04.1959
Entered Bethany : 25.05.1975
First Profession : 10.05.1979
Perpetual Profession : 06.05.1985
Slept in the Lord : 07.06.2021

“I have fought the good fight; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith (2 Tim 4:7)

Sr M Roshni Monteiro BS (62) of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore, passed away on Monday 07th June 2021. She is the member of Santa Cruz Convent, Kulshekar. She is the daughter of the late Francis Monteiro and the late Joanna D`Almeida,sister of Fr Joseph Monteiro SJ and Fr Ivan Monteiro OCD and hails from Sacred Heart Church Maril,Puttur in the Diocese of Mangalore. She has four brothers and three sisters. Her funeral rites will be on Tuesday, June08th at 3.00 pm at Holy Cross Church, Kulshekar Mangalore.

Sr Roshni, a spirit-filled person drew her strength from the Eucharistic Lord. She was a religious wrapped in silence and the few words she uttered were full of wisdom and insight. This quiet, unassuming Bethany Sister was, truly living Bethany motto: Behold the Handmaid of the Lord, to contemplate and give to others the fruits of her contemplation.She was a silent sufferer, and endured her sufferings patiently. Even in her intense sufferings one would find in her a smiling face and a grateful heart. There was no word of complainabout anything was heard from her lips. She was jovial and hearty in the company of sisters and people. All those who have known and lived with her will testify that she is a very dear friend and a pleasant companion on the journey of life. As a true educator she has touched and enriched many lives. For her, faith was a matter of trusting in God, of committing her life to God, and of allowing God to guide her path and show her the way to treat others and the world. She also used that faith as a support to lean on in times of terminal illness and she faced this valiant battle for the past three years.

As an educationist, Sr Roshni served Bethany as an efficient and dedicated Teacher at St Joseph’s Convent K R Nagar, Bethany Convent Naini, St Joseph’s Convent Bathinda, Sacred Heart Convent Ludhiana, Bethany Convent Paradip, Bethany Convent Madikeri, Nazareth Convent Bajpe, Stella Maris Convent Sultanpur, Maryvale Convent Kinnigoli, Bethany Convent Bendur and St Raymond’s Convent Vamanjoor. After her retirement she rendered her services at Santa Cruz Convent Kulshekar.

Recently, Sr Roshni was diagnosed with cancer but served the Congregation with a cheerful heart. Often she was admitted to Fr Muller Hospital, Mangalore and each time she showed signs of improvement. For the past few months she was suffering from severe lung infection due to fluid in the lungs. Last week she was given chemo and was tested covid positive. In spite of all medical care on07thJune at 10.00am she breathed her last and offered her soul to God.

I extend my sincere condolences to Sr Cicilia Mendonca, the Provincial Superior and team, Sr Ida Janet, the Superior and the Sisters at Santa Cruz Convent, Kulshekar for taking care of her lovingly.

Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace!


(Sr Rose Celine BS)
Superior General

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