Born : 11.03.1949
Entered Bethany : 01.06.1967
First Profession : 06.05.1970
Perpetual Profession : 12.05.1976
Slept in the Lord : 07.06.2021
Sr M Glorina BS (72) of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Little Flower of Bethany, Mangalore, passed away on Monday 07th June 2021. She is the member of Santa Cruz Convent, Kulshekar. She is the daughter of the Late Shabi Doming DSouza and the Late Mary DSouzabelonging to ‘The Queen of the Universe Church, Ranipura’ of Mangalore Diocese.She has three brothers and six sisters. Her funeral rites will be on Tuesday, June08th at 3.00 pm at Holy Cross Church, Kulshekar,Mangalore.
Sr Glorina true to her name found her glory and comfort in the loving company of Jesus through prayer. She offered Mercy Rosaries unceasingly for the various intentions.Had filial trust in Mother Mary; hence her fingers kept rolling the Rosary beads. She managed her time well in utilising it in her work, common activities and prayer. She was punctual for all the spiritual exercises as well as her mission. At community recreations she was hearty. She had deep faith in God which made her to surrender her life eventualities into the caring hands of God. She was devoted to Pastoral care;sought to serve the people in distance parishes on Sundays by teaching catechism, animating Marian Sodalities and attending SCC meetings.
She was a hard worker and spent her time until recently in assisting various School offices in maintaining accounts and other correspondence. When she was assigned the Aided clerical job in the High School office, she took a leap of faith and she served in all sincerity, fidelity, transparency and loyaltyin various Educational Institutions of the Congregation.She was a member of Bethany Convent, Bangalore, St Mary’s Convent, Arsikere, St Xavier’s Convent, Ajekar, Nazareth Convent, Bajpe, Maryvale Convent, Kinnigoli, Madeleine Convent, Mulki, St Raymond’s Convent Vamanjoor and presently Santa Cruz Convent, Kulshekar. Though she was retired from her clerical post she continued to serve at Sacred Hearts’ School office till April 2021. God granted her the privilege of celebrating her Golden Jubilee together with her batch mates in April 2021. She was infected with Corona disease in the month of May 2021 and was admitted to Fr Muller Hospital for the treatment. As she could not maintain her oxygen level she was put on ventilator in ICU for more than 15 days.
Sr Ida Janet the Superior of the Convent and the sisters from the community as well as Sr CiciliaMendonca the Provincial Superior used to visit her as per the directions of the Doctors.On the morn of 7th June her condition was worsened. At 2.00pm the Doctors intimated the critical condition of Sr Glorina. Immediately Sr Cicilia Mendonca, Sr Lilly Pereira along with Sr Ida Janet, Sr Shubha and Sr Lavita rushed to the hospital and commended her soul to Almighty Father at 2.30pm.
I extend my sincere condolences to Sr Cicilia Mendonca, the Provincial Superior and team, Sr Ida Janet, the Superior and the Sisters at Santa Cruz Convent, Kulshekar and thank them for taking care of her lovingly.
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace!
(Sr Rose Celine BS)
Superior General